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tavisours Ban report!

Started by Osama, May 16, 2013, 08:37:27 PM

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First of all tavisours is a moderator.When i found tavisours in my range i quickly ran and wnet to attack him/her.
After alot of fighting he/her went out of water and went to land.When i was in the water with alot of bubbles he wrote
you are water walking!!!!
I said no.
The last thing i saw was a 2 day ban and 40 minutes.
Please check if this person.

My name can be full symbols >:) see 0$@/\/\@ cool huh :D


Who is tavisours? I've never heard the word and they certainly are not a mod.
Skype: kaiwaugh1
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Quote from: Osama on May 16, 2013, 08:37:27 PM
First of all tavisours is a moderator.When i found tavisours in my range i quickly ran and wnet to attack him/her.
After alot of fighting he/her went out of water and went to land.When i was in the water with alot of bubbles he wrote
you are water walking!!!!
I said no.
The last thing i saw was a 2 day ban and 40 minutes.
Please check if this person.

I believe you mean taviscratch..


Quote from: Osama on May 16, 2013, 08:37:27 PM
First of all tavisours is a moderator.When i found tavisours in my range i quickly ran and wnet to attack him/her.
After alot of fighting he/her went out of water and went to land.When i was in the water with alot of bubbles he wrote
you are water walking!!!!
I said no.
The last thing i saw was a 2 day ban and 40 minutes.
Please check if this person.


Okay, there are some things wrong with this.

1; I was watching you pvp the entire time, having seen the commotion in the chat about you having to stop. I saw everything that happened; Taviscratch was swimming, and you were walking on the water.

2; Tavi is not a moderator.

3; You get either warned or banned for cheating in survival. You've been warned about it before, so the best action to take was to ban you for 2 days. To be honest, that's not that long of a ban and you should've been more mature about it. I've also banned your "brother" Hamza as well, considering you like to multi-account on that and I immediately foresaw what would occur has a ban evasion.