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LeonMundt (Gunner) Application For Moderator

Started by LeonDaMundt, May 20, 2013, 01:32:20 AM

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Saad Muzaffar

In Game Name:
LeonMundt also known as Gunner and Cagefighter.


12 (will be 13 on the 30th of may), although I do know, that the applying age is 15 or over:

I still want to try my best as I think of myself, to be different than other 12 year-olds in many ways and want to prove it in any way possible. I don't merely rage like other kids of my age and I hope you see this application without the concern of my age and if because of my age this application is an instant deny, please wait a few days.


Current Residence

Saudi Arabia

Current Rank

English,Arabic (Many guys speak), Urdu, Hindi and a little bit of Russian and Spanish.

Why I want to become Moderator

The reason I have chosen to apply for this challenging rank is to help people by protecting their builds, seeing who griefed their town, etc etc.Additionally, it has come into my sight, that people have started spamming and/or using abusive and foul language, it is my severe wish to be able to stop these occurrences especially in my time-zone, and to make Kaise123 a much more safe and better place, free from this nonsense. Also, I also would love to handle this prestigious rank because it helps myself to improve my way of communicating with people, and to know a lot more of people. With that, I also wish to help a lot as the rank "Elite" does not seem enough to me for helping. I wish, you people understand how greatly I want to help this server.

Previous Knowledge

I have been a moderator and a host in many games of varied genres, Such as: I have been a notable host of COD4 (Call of Duty 4), Swat4 and also Terraria, but when I heard of Kaise123 I stopped playing all these games and devoted myself to Kaisecraft. Moreover, I have also hosted my own Minecraft server for a limited amount of time, but due to some issues it is mainly used myself for testing Logblock WorldEdit and CoreProtect for practicing and improving my skills. Also, I have been an Admin in a notable  server called Airport  Wars, which is a server for a client called SA-MP (Gta SanAndreas Multiplayer)

I have also been programming a lot, using Microsoft Visual Basic. Till now, I have not made very advanced programs but I'm certainly sure that, if given the time, I may make a lot more advanced programs. And lately , I have made my own server (it was Hamachi first) but now, I port-forwarded it and use it for learning the plugins a lot, and try to invite some people and also just generally play in it.

Forums Knowledge

I have studies BB Code well, and I can confidently say that I am very good at it, you may also find examples of my well-knowing of this, while seeing my posts. As telling this, I'd also like to state that I have been a forums moderator as well, and have certainly maintained the forums because of my rank there, as that forums had a much bigger User-Base than Kaisecraft as it was lasting for more than 2 and a half years. Although learning the forums isn't that hard, I've tried to be good at it and tried to learn most of the commands used in the forums and also in this server.
How I have Helped
I have helped a lot of people in this server, Although it will be literally impossible to state each and every one but Neverthless, these are some of the few things I have done. I have built houses and have also helped others in making huge builds, and making them a less of a challenge for the original builder. Aside from building, I have also helped people, not even considering their ranks. I'm going to post pictures as a stand-alone proof for how much I love helping; as this is the main reason for me applying for moderator.

People who I've met:
Cagfighter (Myself)
I am very sorry, if I have forgotten anyone's name.[/spoiler]

Moderating Knowledge

After joining this server, I realized that I really need to learn Residence, and I can say I did pretty well in learning the commands and how to use the. Furthermore, I started practicing World Edit in single player and I enjoyed it, and learnt a lot more about it and tried to remember it's commands. Then, I started learning World Guard for my server and it too, went pretty well and now I know most of my commands, although I did learn many more plugins such as LogBlock but these are not necessary for the server, so I won't talk about them. Also, I have started learning CoreProtect, although I am starting to know much of the commands, but there is still somewhat left from me to learn. I am very keen to use these plugins to my advantage in becoming a moderator. And as I stated before, I tried all these plugins in my server, and will surely handle them with excellence if ever promoted into the rank of moderator because I always go with this quotation:
"Practice makes a man perfect"
Here is my knowledge in these plugins so far:

RES:  [spoiler]You need a wooden shovel lol.
/res expand 255
/res create
/res protect
/res pset
/res flag
/res defauly
/res tp
/res limits
/res area list
/res area install
/res give
/res message
/res renamearea
/res seubzone
/res give
/res select vert
/res select expand
/res select chunk[/spoiler]

CP: [spoiler]Core Protect:

/co inspect
/co lookup
//co purge
/co rollback
//co restore [/spoiler]

WG: [spoiler]/expand
/region tp
/region del
/region parent
/region update
/region list
/region flag
/region claim
/region select
WE: [spoiler]//wand -Gives you a tool in which you can use World Edit.
//set - Set's a block or a huge amount of them.
//undo - Undo your actions.
//redo - Redo your last action.
//replace -Replace blocks.
//copy - Copy a build/blocks
//paste - Paste the blocks.
//sphere -Make a circle.
//hsphere- Make a hollow circle.
//pyramid - Create a pyramid
//hpyramid - Create a hollow pyramid
/remove above - Remove blocks above your head
/remove below - Remove blocks below you
//ex - Extinguish fires
/butcher - Kill nearby mobs.
//walls -Make walls.

I've not copied these from anywhere and this is all made by me.
Some other commands: [spoiler]/ban
And some other commands.


Can't say much here, that's for others to decide, I'm pretty sure people take me as sometimes an annoying but a person who is always keen for helping, I try my best not to show-off (but sometimes I do by mistake). I always try to lend a helping hand to anyone.
Normal Time In Normal Days (Saturday,Sunday,Monday Tuesday) 2-3 hours.

Weekends (Wednesday Thursday Friday) 3-4 Hours Or Two Times.

I also login on MC Chat pretty often on my mobile. If someone needs me, I try to come on PC as soon as possible.
As I have mentioned before, English is not my first language but have gained excellence in it. I have a fluent speech and vast vocabulary. I am very fluent in English, seeing my English grades I normally get A+'s and also please note that my exams follow Cambridge which are one of the hardest exams ever.
How I've changed:
I know, that this is the fourth time I'm applying for moderator. How I've changed? Well, I've tried to be more patient in-game and try to be very mature and not to be the bossy guy. I've also stopped "swaying" moderators and they all are my friends, and I talk to them like normal people. I've also told. that I give respect to each rank. Some people say, that I annoy the moderators by helping them a bit too much, I've tried to work on that, and believe me; I tried. Also, I've tried not to be boastful amongst my friends even in simple little things and I'm aware  that I sometimes may  do it by mistake but I'm trying to fix my self.

Past Convictions

Out of all these topics, this is the hardest for me.

I have been convicted one time for griefing accidentaly, and it was a temporary ban for about 5 days.

Here is my explanation:

Although I don't know why you said me to reply on this post, I'll atleast try to clear my image and I'm not asking for a un-ban appeal or any thing like that.

I know I did place lava as he was supposedly my friend and I was just joking, I didn't really mean to grief anything. Anyways, I was fixing all the things by placing dirt to cover the lava and obsidian to separate the lava into two sections so they can be easily removed, but what happened was as you read earlier in a post done by SkyraBlue, it was raining here in Saudi Arabia although it wasn't raining exactly here all the lines are connected to each other and internet/radiowave failiures happen very often here, so as I said, I was fixing the lava and I was pretty much doing it well untill suddenly I forgot a spot and the lava started spreading to the nearest hole (Minecraft Phsyics). So, I tried to stop it but suddenly my Internet was gone as it was a little bit shaky previously. So, it didn't come back for a long time as it was still raining and the lines were yet to be fixed. So, when I joined I saw that I was banned.

This is my explanation of whatever happened.

Commands I used:

//replace lava air Somewhat worked but I missed a spot in which the lava started flowing.

//undo Didn't work as the lava had been already spread from one are to the other and cleared some of it.

I'm very sorry, MrTroll.

PS: I've also explained this before.
Reason For Application
I know I've been banned, I apologize but before anyone goes ahead and denies me, I've got one thing to say: If I didn't really like helping people, I could've just stayed Elite as it is pretty much a jr.mod. and I'm also aware, that if I don't help people and also don't stop what is wrong I'll be demoted.
Another reason is that there is "no" Moderator in my Timezone and also this can be an advantage for me and the server as many people are logged on that time. I really like helping people but I mostly can't, as I don't have World Guard to protect their builds neither Core Protect to see who griefed them.
I really love helping and it is the main reason. Why do you think I'm different, because if I didn't like helping; Moderator is like a very huge hassle if you don't want to help and you'll be pretty much demoted if you don't help others.

About Myself

I am 12 years old and belong to a normal/high class family. My family consists of three members (including myself) who are:
My father
My Mother
And myself.

I really like tweaking around with computers, and I also love trouble shooting problems (which are mainly caused by me) and oftenly I trouble shoot my friend's computer too. I have many hobbies, and I'm very good in studying and always score well in the class. I have a very balanced routine so, I normally do everything in the exact same time everyday. I really like reading playing cricked or just playing Minecraft which is one of my favorite hobbies . As I have so many. This is all I can say about myself.
This is all what I have to offer, I've answered everything truthfully and swear that if I become mod, I will not fail to do my duties.
Thank you very much for reading this app, and I hope you Support or -1 me wisely.

Also note that, the mistakes are not acutally mistakes but are more likely to be typing errors.




There is a shit lot of text here and the application is great. Some support based on your application. Anyway, I'm very undecided to give you a full support or not a support on this one, so I'll wait for further replies.


U can be a good moderator/sr.mod/jr.mod
And you are good and got the guts to be a good moderator hope u dont end up like me  ;)



Osama here i support you leon!
i got banned in forums so my bro told me about this so leon is a good player as he helps alot and i look forward of him being a moderator as his english is also good and he has good manners.



Hamza, No need of posting 3 other useless replies. Just modify the first one...


Signature by: Builder Stephen


As it is clearly stated here, you need to be of age 15 and older, no exceptions. Doesn't matter how mature you are or how well you take orders, a younger individual is more likely to make mistakes due to less experience with the world. This may not apply to you, but rules are rules. Sorry. Feel free to bring it up with any of us if you want to try to sway our opinions to let you to the staff team.


Quote from: ~[{( Hij )}]~ on May 20, 2013, 02:26:45 AM
As it is clearly stated here, you need to be of age 15 and older, no exceptions. Doesn't matter how mature you are or how well you take orders, a younger individual is more likely to make mistakes due to less experience with the world. This may not apply to you, but rules are rules. Sorry. Feel free to bring it up with any of us if you want to try to sway our opinions to let you to the staff team.

As an addition to the reasons Hij provided, the age limit of 15 years is a recent introduction in order to attempt to get older staff members. It may or may not be permanent.
Skype: kaiwaugh1
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