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iNoobish Mod Application

Started by iNoobish, May 29, 2013, 05:33:28 AM

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Birger Nordås



My Native Language Is Norwegian. My English s kind of good, but i can say that it isn't the best.

My age is 15.

I've played on KaisecraftV2 for about two and a half month now. I play on the server for about 2-3 hours each day. But i got school now that is important. So i cant be on the server for more than about 1-1.5 hour each day.

Before i actually started to play on Kaisecraft i played on Jessuocraft. I was a trusted Protector if i don't remember wrong. Kaisecraft was the first server i started to play on because i did not know about many cracked mine craft server. So before i started playing on statecraft i played survival. BTW i have played mine craft for about a year.

I came across Statecraft by installing the mine craft that Kaiser had uploaded to Birthrate. When i went on the server the first time i though it was pretty boring because i played alone i did not have any friends that played Mine craft yet then. But later one of my friends now called Mcn99 started to play Mine craft. So i told him about Statecraft. That was wen i really started playing on chaise. I played for about 3-4 months or so then i donated for the rank Knight.

When statecraft went down it was first really sad for me because i had donated and i though it was the best server ever. Then i started to make my own server with my friend (Mcn99) We collected enough money to get a cheap server. The server did not go very well but we had about 5-15 players playing each day. Because we didn't get any donations we decided to shut the server down. Then i started looking for a new server to play on. I found a server called emperor craft. I played there for about 1 month.

I think people like me like a friend because i almost never do any thing wrong. I would never grief on a server like kaisecraft because i don't like wen my stuff get griefed. I do not disrespect staff or any players that play on servers. I just love to play on Kaisecraft.

My knowledge in World edit, World guard and some other plugins is pretty good. World edit and World guard was some of my plugins that i used on my server. I know about every command in World edit and World guard but i haven't used it in while so i can be a bit rusty.

Commands i know in World Edit, World Guard and some other plugins.

I Dontnow How To Put The Commands In A Spoiler Sorry.

World guard and World Edit:

//expand vert

What i know about Core protection and Res:


/res ?
/res select
/res select chunk
/res select expand
/res select size
/res select shift
/res select vert
/res select worldedit
/res area
/res create
/res remove
/res removeall
/res subzone
/res area list
/res area listall
/res list
/res listall
/res gset
/res Iset
/res pset
/res set
/res message

Core Protection:

/co help
/co inspect
/co rollback
/co restore
/co lookup
/co purge

Additional Information about me:
I am 15 years old, I come from Norway. I'm quite interested in games.
I am a fotballplayer and i love sport. But my hobby is to play videogames. I spend like 2-3 maybe more hours each day on minecraft. And the rest off the time i do my homework and i am on my exercise.

Why i want the rank:
I want this rank mostly because I like helping people out. Most of the time, when I'm online, I see people asking for help because they have been griefed and there are no Moderators there to help.  Players also kinda complain about the Time and the rain on the server, I really want to help them out, all I need it this rank. There are also some builds that I need help with (World Edit), But the Moderators are busy so I need to do it myself.

NB: Since the last time I applied I have learnt all the commands that i have listed up there ^^.

Thanks for reading.


Now him in-game,help me a lot of time and we have great time (especially with firework,iNoobish now what I am talking about). Althought he don't now how to make spoiler,I'l give him a big support.

KCv2 Moderator


It has not been 30 days since your last application. Yes, we can read deleted threads, too ;)

Next date: June 27