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Dual Citizenship Shaffer and Curtv2

Started by Shaffer, June 06, 2013, 12:41:00 PM

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Hello, my name is Tyler Shaffer. My in game name is Shaffer. I've been playing on your server for 48 hours. I made an underground farm with my friends. We made it underground because we didn't want anyone to find us and grief. We are growing wheat, cocoa beans, nether wart, pumpkins, watermelon, potatoes, and carrots. I've been selling cookies and other food to other players in your server. I want to become a Citizen because it will help my builds and keep them protected. Curtv2 helped me build this underground farm. Without him this farm wouldn't exist.


Hey Shaffer! Please provide a reason as to why you want the rank Citizen. Thanks!

-Application Pending-


Accepted for both you and Curtv2. Congrats on Citizen! :)