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Builder Application :)

Started by HatsuneMiku01, June 13, 2013, 02:26:28 AM

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My screen name is HatsuneMiku01 and I would like to apply for builder. I feel as if I'm going to embarrass myself trying to apply, but anyways, I think it's rather neat that when you're a builder, you can wear items on your head, and spawn them for usage. I really am looking forward to becoming a builder :3 Hopefully my picture attachments have shown up, for I have never done this before  :-X
I'm there in the water.. Still looking for ya.
I'm dead in the water.. Can't you see?


Oops, not all of my pictures have shown up. Below this reply are some more.
I'm there in the water.. Still looking for ya.
I'm dead in the water.. Can't you see?


I'm there in the water.. Still looking for ya.
I'm dead in the water.. Can't you see?


another one :)
(This is all I took. Hopefully these are good enough :D )
I'm there in the water.. Still looking for ya.
I'm dead in the water.. Can't you see?


Hey there HatsuneMiku! Could you please provide how long you've played on the server for, more pictures of your other builds, your McMMO level, and generally some more info? :) I would suggest taking another look at this:,1307.0.html and seeing what else you need to add in.


-Application Pending-


I've been playing on this server since March-April, an I currently have no other builds. -sadface-
I'm there in the water.. Still looking for ya.
I'm dead in the water.. Can't you see?


Should I just make a new application? I think it'll be easier.

I'm there in the water.. Still looking for ya.
I'm dead in the water.. Can't you see?
