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Stillcraft vs. Kaisecraft

Started by raperv26, June 15, 2013, 12:24:10 AM

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So xdinox was on his minecraft client and saw this pic

Doesn't this break any laws on copyright or something?


I did too, and there was kaise123 as an admin and when I asked him what he was doing he said I am the real kaise, and we're going to make the SC server again while I team up with Filip.

As I was an admin I checked his ip and it was filip's and then I got immediately banned.


Possible hacker on our servers?


Lol, there is no hacker. Since that is another server, you can go on an account which has not previously been registred. I do have to ask one thing, has that moron made a fake me yet?


Quote from: raperv26 on June 15, 2013, 12:28:30 AM
Possible hacker on our servers?

Not hacking, he's just imitating to be kaisecraft to get more attention and being kaise in the forums so people think it's the old servercraft,


Quote from: raperv26 on June 15, 2013, 12:28:30 AM
Possible hacker on our servers?
how? the you only need to change your name on minecraft's startup to do that(in cracked clients though)
Madness? This is MINECRAFT!!!


Lolled my ass off when you asked if it was breaking the laws of copyright.

Anyway, i dont see why you'd instantly think its a hacker, all you have to do is type the colour and style code + the message in the "MOTD" spot on and you have the KcV2 - Larger Worlds thing in.


Uh... im just wondering why would stillcraft copy kaisecraft and the (not all) members on it?
is there any grudge or somthing? because lastime i checked i saw ALOT of Random players loggin in out Rapidly!

ex usernames -hirbfsrbg


anyone have a theory??


Quote from: jedwere on June 15, 2013, 11:06:47 AM
Uh... im just wondering why would stillcraft copy kaisecraft and the (not all) members on it?
is there any grudge or somthing? because lastime i checked i saw ALOT of Random players loggin in out Rapidly!

ex usernames -hirbfsrbg


anyone have a theory??

If you haven't noticed, Filip and his "friends" can become mortal idiots all too often. They only copy us so that they can achieve more members; also, the constant bot spam causes players to leave our server to go to another server. However, I don't even think that his server is indexed in Kai's client so he really doesn't help himself but rather just makes players leave our server. This is just common server competition, but a bad competition at that.