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*IMPROVED* Builder Application

Started by HatsuneMiku01, June 15, 2013, 06:52:15 AM

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Hello, my screen name is HatsuneMiku01 and I would like to apply for builder.
I've been playing on this server since April, and I was citizen since May.
I think it's about time to become a Builder! :D
My power level is 138, if that applies to anything.
I try to get on Kaise at least 3 times a week or more, and now that
my school year is over, I have some more spare time. :D

I'm there in the water.. Still looking for ya.
I'm dead in the water.. Can't you see?


Oh, and this:
I'm there in the water.. Still looking for ya.
I'm dead in the water.. Can't you see?


You didn't have to make a new thread. You're borderline acceptance, so congratulations on builder! (If any staff member could change her rank for me that would be much appreciated.)


Skype: kaiwaugh1
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