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Help With My VIP Rank

Started by Kempis, June 23, 2013, 12:10:00 PM

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1) I Received the rank of VIP recently, and I found out that I don't have [W:S] next to my prefix, while other people do. What is up with this?
2) I cannot enchant, and when I do, it says:
*These are the only 2 question I have about my rank.

[I know this isn't the suggestion area, but since I am already talking about the VIP rank, I don't want to make another post in suggestions just about this, so I made my suggestion here instead, to go along with the questions]

1) I think VIP should be able to change their own nicks as Elites can, because I find it extremely difficult to find a mod or Sr.mod at my time, and when I do find a Sr.Mod, they don't normally help, because they "can't stay that long, and have to go in 2 seconds".
2) I think VIP+ should be able to type in colour, and since their aren't that many VIP's and Elites, as it is a paid rank, it won't spam the main chat that much. Unpaid ranks such as Guests, Citizens, Builders and Engineers cannot type in colour, since they are free ranks.


1) It's a glitch with the rank's "coding." It happens with all VIPs, though we just haven't come around to fixing it yet. If it's honestly THAT much of a monstrosity to your eyes, then we will fix it (though I don't know much about the true setup of the rank system, so I can't really help with it. For all I know, I could be chatting gibberish).

2) Are you typing in the enchant command correctly? (Ex, for the DSword, /enc sharpness 4; or just /enc all) If that doesn't work, then let us know

3) VIPs are allowed to have their nicks changed as they are a paid rank and deserve paid features. If a staff member ignores your request (which they shouldn't) then please contact me or another admin.

4) Adding colour to the VIP chat requires some work, same goes for the Engineer rank's chat colour. The white text for the VIPs has been around since the start of the rank. If you look at older threads on the forums (great example being ban reports), you'll see that all normal members all had the same dull grey text colour. This colour, I assume, was removed due to complaints, but you'll have to elaborate more with Kai on that one.

BTW, sorry I couldn't get to you on the forum chat. I'm currently busy as of now and can't really stay on for long ;)


Yeah, the glitch is THAT much of a monstrosity to my eyes. :P
Please fix it - you'll be doing a favour for most VIPs even though there aren't that much.


VIP isnt allowed to enchant, right?


Quote from: Michael5017 on June 23, 2013, 04:11:13 PM
VIP isnt allowed to enchant, right?
They are.
They are a paid rank, they deserve it.


I already fixed all those things yesterday when you talked to me on Skype about it, Other than Enchanting. There wasn't really a need to make this topic. Or did they not work even after the server restarted?

I added the configuration to fix the chat for all VIP's, And you told me that it said there was an unknown error when you tried to enchant, not that you didn't have permission.
Skype: kaiwaugh1
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From the picture he provided, it looked like he was doing /enc diamondsword.

As I stated in my post, the correct command was /enc [enchantment]; or /enc all.


Quote from: Kempis on June 23, 2013, 12:10:00 PM
1) I Received the rank of VIP recently, and I found out that I don't have [W:S] next to my prefix, while other people do. What is up with this?
2) I cannot enchant, and when I do, it says:
*These are the only 2 question I have about my rank.

[I know this isn't the suggestion area, but since I am already talking about the VIP rank, I don't want to make another post in suggestions just about this, so I made my suggestion here instead, to go along with the questions]

1) I think VIP should be able to change their own nicks as Elites can, because I find it extremely difficult to find a mod or Sr.mod at my time, and when I do find a Sr.Mod, they don't normally help, because they "can't stay that long, and have to go in 2 seconds".
2) I think VIP+ should be able to type in colour, and since their aren't that many VIP's and Elites, as it is a paid rank, it won't spam the main chat that much. Unpaid ranks such as Guests, Citizens, Builders and Engineers cannot type in colour, since they are free ranks.
Engineer name is with colour.