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Scotty's application for Moderator.

Started by scottymac223, July 14, 2013, 12:28:53 PM

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Scott McEvoy

14 And 3/4 (I know im not 15, but im close!)


Scottymacc223, skype is linked to my phone so im always online.

I have been activity from the very beginning of KCv2, after the closure of my favorite server bublecraft i was lost. Then my friends referred me to this server where i applied for white list and started playing immediately. I recognized a few names (Sharkbait, Bluestar, Baroom and Skulker) And settled in very well.

I became a citizen after 3 days of playing, then decided to donate for Elite (Which i am to this day) I have been very active ever since then being able to stay online a strong 5-7 hours daily. My timezone is GMT which there is not many off. If i became a moderator, my activity would definitely increase, as i want to help KCv2 to the best of my ability!

Activity before KaiseCraft:
Before KaiseCraft i was a bit of a derp. I would play on small friend servers and i wasnt really good at anything, i started watching videos on building and i got to become quite good at modern buildings. Then i discovered multiplayer and the whole experience changed forever.

Old KaiseCraft:
I did not play on the Old KaiseCraft as i had not yet heard of it. I only played on bublecraft and Modesty before discovering KCv2.

Activity after KaiseCraft:
I discovered Bublecraft several weeks after the opening of it, i joined with my no longer friend Richazzz. That is when i met Baroom and Skulker. They're bubbly attitude and generosity convinced me too stay and not leave with my friend. I made lots of friends which many i share the joy of playing with on KCv2, and being able to help them as a mod would bring me great joy. Before KCv2 i also played on Minecraft Modesty, where i was enrolled as a MiniMod, i moved up the ranks to become a ModMin (Above mod, below Admin) But the server switched owner and things went downhill... so i left.


World Guard:
My first World Guard experience came to me when before i applied for Jr.Mod on bublecraft, i watched countless YouTube tutorials as i had to pass the knowledge test to become a staff member. Also some of the staff pitched in to help me. I know //expand vert, /rg define, /rg setparent, /rg flag (Mainly all the basics + Some extra)

Core Protect:
I have watched several videos on CoreProtect as i was used to the LB plugin. I know /co lookup, /co inspect, //co rollback And a few more. Again, the basics + More.

Residence is probably the easiest for me compared to the others, as i can already use it as an Elite, there would be no change if i became a staff member. I know /res create, /res expand, /res delete and /res protect.

Forum Knowledge:
I am very fluent with navigating my way through the forums as i am a very active member. I can lock posts that may be causing arguments, delete posts such as spam or profanity and move posts that may be under the wrong category.

I am well known by all players because of my general activity on both forums and server. I will welcome all players (New or old) And generally try to help people to the best of my ability. I am a bit of a Jokey / Easy going guy, i love to make people laugh and make there server experience as fun as i can. I am very sociable and that makes new comers feel much more at home when they join. Overall my reputation is alright with some liking me and some hating me, but i have been trying my absolute hardest to mend the relationships i have with some people.

I'm very good with BBCode as i use it all the time on the forums and even used it to help make this app as neat as possible.

Why i should be a moderator:
I saw that a lot of people were applying and i thought i could give it a shot. The main reason of wanting to become a mod is that i want to help people with stuff that i currently cant do. When i come in from school, there isn't much staff on (Zlexy is usually on then, as we share the same timezone) Seeing people in distress and shouting for a staff member to help them makes me want to become one. I have lots and lots of friends here too (I wont list, as i don't want to exclude anyone) And become a Mod would just complete my whole KCv2 experience.

I would have no objections about taking a trail first as i know some people will be worried that i cant handle it. That was the old me, before, when i got a bunch of new commands, i would want to try them all out and that would result in me being a Power-Freak. I have learned over time that its not the right way to behave. As a staff member i would be looked up to, and i would definitely be a good role model.

Additional Information:
Well my name is Scott and i'm from Scotland. (Scott from Scotland, my parents aren't the most creative when it comes to name picking ._.) I have a brother and a sister who are both older than me. I live in a very small village called Dalmeny. I attend high school as of which i am currently going into my 3rd year after the summer.

I have 2 dogs named Avi and Indi, both are border collies who i adore to bits. I have mild agoraphobia meaning i cant play or watch anything scary or be too crowded as it would result in a panic attack.

I love planes (Or anything aviation related) And would love to have a career in science. Usually i may go plane spotting at Edinburgh Airport on a Sunday.  I love learning about different countries which is one of the reasons i love KCv2 (Players from all around the Globe!)

A big thank you for reading my application and please feel free to leave your honest opinion.

Thanks, scottymac223.


Mate there is a whole paragraph which was copied from my Moderator Application Example. I would deny you now, but my permissions were removed for some reason again today.


Oops! cant believe i forgot to delete it, i copied it so i could use the headings as a guidline. I will change this, im very sorry.


The paragraph has been changed, everything is fine now.  :)


Now hold on a second here. You say you are 14 going on 15.

You also say you are going into your '3rd year of high school'. The Portuguese schooling system works the same as the UK/Scotland/whatever. A primary education of 7 years (from 4/5 -> 11/12) and then secondary education lasts a further 6 years (from 11-turning-12 -> 18 (maximum)).

Now, im going to use an old friend of mines in this example, he is from Scotland too (which is how i know this information, he told me this a few months ago). He is 16 (turned it a few months ago) and he is going into his 5 year of high school education after the summer. If he is 16 and is going into his 5th year, then you cant be 14-nearly-15 going into your 3 year surely? You'd be 13-turning-14.

Before i get the 'kept behind at school' excuse, i believe it was Martin (Deadshot) who said you do not get held back in the UK in school unless it is extreme cases, i dont know who said it but someone did mention it once.

After that bible of an explanation detailing how you would be a year younger than you are posing, i dont support. You have a past of griefing (*cough* Diions server *clear throat*) and can be immature a lot.

No support.
"The healthy human mind doesn't wake up in the morning thinking this is its last day on Earth. But I think that's a luxury, not a curse. To know you're close to the end is a kind of freedom, good time to take... inventory."


S1 is 11/13
S2 is 13/14
S3 is 13/15

Scotland has its own schooling laws compared to the rest of the UK.

I have tried my hardest to improve on being immature and have never griefed on KCv2 nor been banned or even jailed which proves my loyalty. Thanks for the feedback.


Well thats strange. 1S (1st year of secondary) would be 11/12 (all students would be 12 by the end of the school year, some would be 13 depending if they were born Jan-whenever school finishes there).

2S would be 12/13 (all students would be 13 by the end of the school year, some being 14 depending on the month born).

3S (the one you are going into) would be 13/14 (all students would be 14 by the end of the school year, some 15 on the months of Jan - June 2014)...

4S would be 14/15 (all students would be 15 by the end of the school year, some 16 depending on the month born)....

5S would be 15/16 (all students 16 by the end of the school year, some would be 17 depending on month born)

6S would be 16/17 (all students 17 by the end of the school year, some would be 18 depending on month born)

Nonetheless, im just trying to prove a point. Im pretty sure you've said you were 13 before too, lol. And also, even if you were born in January and going into 3S, you wouldnt be 14 and 3/4. You'd be 14 and 1/2.

And you have been proven to be a griefer on a Sr.Mods server. Thats why i dont trust you.


EDIT: Facebook messaged my friend about the years of education in Scotland, heres the conversation

4:38José da Silva Ferreira
what ages are in what years of secondary school in scotland ? i need some proof for a mod app on KC

4:40Liam McCarthy
You mean what age are you in 1st year, 2nd year E.T.C?

4:41José da Silva Ferreira

4:49Liam McCarthy
1st year = 11 or 12 and would be 13 if you were born in January-June
2nd year = 12 or 13 and would be 14 if you were born in Jan-June
3rd year = 13 or 14 and would be 15 if you were born in Jan-June
4th year = 14 or 15 and would be 16 "                       "
5th year (my year) = 15 or 16 and would be 17 "                     "
6th year = 16 or 17 and would be 18 "                  "

4:52José da Silva Ferreira
so i was right haha, thank u
"The healthy human mind doesn't wake up in the morning thinking this is its last day on Earth. But I think that's a luxury, not a curse. To know you're close to the end is a kind of freedom, good time to take... inventory."


--No Support

To add to what Jose is saying, I think you should be denied on the spot for copying part of an application. It's a pretty unspoken rule that you shouldn't copy other people's applications.

I think we also need to make it a rule that if there's any lies/half-truths in an app, it should be denied on the spot too.

What's to keep people from doing it in the future?


It was an accident as i was using it as a template to create my app. All the info there is typed by me.


Looking further into detail, i notice your birthdate is 22/03/1999. Which means you were born in March. That barely makes you 14, you're not 14 and 3/4. You're 14 and only 1/3 into it.

"The healthy human mind doesn't wake up in the morning thinking this is its last day on Earth. But I think that's a luxury, not a curse. To know you're close to the end is a kind of freedom, good time to take... inventory."


^^^ That photo provided by Jose shows the age you registered with.

So did you lie on your registration, or did you lie on your Application?

And if so, which one? And why would you feel the need to?


Sorry but using the information given, and also my reasons and the other reasons listed above by other members. I'm going to deny this application, mainly for not meeting the age requirement fully and not having a good enough app to make up for the lack of age. It is a good application though.

--Application denied--
"The healthy human mind doesn't wake up in the morning thinking this is its last day on Earth. But I think that's a luxury, not a curse. To know you're close to the end is a kind of freedom, good time to take... inventory."