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Random's Engineer Application

Started by Random_Hero, July 20, 2013, 12:13:57 AM

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Hello, my name is Erik,I'm 17 years old; my IGN is Random_Hero. I am trying to achieve the rank of engineer so I could more easily build redstone contraptions with redstone related items that I can spawn as engineer, but can't as a builder....I would also like to be able to set warp, since much of my builds require access of other people(shops, games, etc.) I've been playing on KaiseCraft since KCv1(not sure exactly how much...) I actually Haven't used much redstone when I was playing single player worlds, my interest in redstone has started since I joined KCv1; though I haven't really built any contraptions on the server, rather in my creative world. Most of the redstone curcuits I have accidentally built when messing around with redstone, and then later I found out their names and the rest of their usage.....I've created some redstone circuits that have never been used before, and also made the most compact redstone clock there is... So here are some examples of my builds:

3x3 Piston Door


Piston Storage Room

*opened*(Opens when one steps on the pressure plate and enters the storage and that way reveals the chests)

Circutry - Basic T-FlipFlop(version using redstone block instead of redstone torch)

Five Combination Door Lock

*opened* (Now I have to change the combination :P)

Circutry - AND gate with 3 NOT gates connected so that when the right combinations is entered, doors open

Arrow Dispenser With Automatic Refill
The way this works is that there are 4 skeleton spawners(can be toggled on/off) that spawn skeletons who then fall in the water stream which makes them fall to their death on the item hopper and then bones and arrows get sent to item dropper connected to redstone clock whick makes the dropper spit out items. Items then fall in another water stream which is flowing on some soulsand. Under that soulsand there are 2 hoppers(item sorting system) which sorts bones from arrows in chests. Then arrows get sent back on the surface using hopper/dropper system(also can be toggled on/off) in the item splitter system which splits the arrows in 3 hopper lines who then send those arrows to 3 dispensers(can be toggled on/off) and then arrows get shoot out through lava into the "target" type wall....


*item dropping/item sorting*(Skeletons also die here :O)

*item sorting circutry*

(Same item layout in the hopper goes for arrows)
(Part of hopper/dropper "pipe" system for sending arrows to the surface)

*item(arrow) splitting system*
(this works on the item detecting system, when first arrow gets to the hopper it send the signal to that hopper using redstone comparator and that way prevents other arrows entering to the same hopper, and that way the second arrow can't enter in that hopper, so it has to stay in the previous hopper...same principal works for the third, forth, etc. arrow)
*arrow dispensing*
(this is powered by a simple redstone pulsar that I think doesn't "deserve" to be shown here because it is very simple...)

Aaaand that is it, I have made more quite simple contraptions that I didn't mention here because I don't think they will do much of a change on anyone's opinion about me getting the engineer rank... :D

Yours truly Random_Hero.
The Evil Never Dies, It Just Evolves...


The app is good and random knows his redstone.


Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.


I support!! your a good Redstone builder! i like the redstone lock with the combinations!
it seems handy!! plus your a good bro too anyway XD



Nice redstone build and nice application  :)



Veeeeeeeeeeeeeery nice application, you are beast redstone builder what i ever seen. I think that you will become a great Engineer! :)


This is a very nice application with many complicated builds, that all involve a unique use of redstone, and I've met you ingame and feel that you deserve a rank up, good luck and you have my support :P
"Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick, it will take you far" -Teddy Roosevelt
"Things do not happen. Things are made to happen." - John F. Kennedy


Pretty nice application :) support doesn't count but this seems pretty good  : P
Le god of le troll~

Msg me if you need help or have questions :D
