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Experience bottle

Started by Uber_duck, August 04, 2013, 10:22:28 AM

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     Hi my IGN is Yerpderp_1 and i want to suggest a plugin for the server, It's called the experience bottle. Basically it makes it so if you have a experience bottle in your inventory when you die all of the experience just goes into the bottle and its all kept so when you go back to your body all of it's still there and no harm done, other than humiliation of death
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."
― Bernard M. Baruch


Thats... AWESOME! But, its not really usefull for some people. Cuz, some people can spawn their exp back (/i expbottle) :3


Please can you add some pictures of it. I want to see how to use it.


Cool.Can it works for Multiplayer.Some mods cant.


i see a problem with that tho in pvp if you get killed they loot the bottle and gain all ur xp ._.


If you die in non-pvp and someone took your stuff you can report.