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eCCioE's Citizen Apllication

Started by eCCioE, August 08, 2013, 06:45:41 PM

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I'm eCCioE (that's also my IGN). I have played Minecraft for a few months and recently I yesterday I decided to start playing in the KCv2 server. I have built a little house there and I guess it's not very amazing or fantastic or anything but without the ability to spawn blocks and stuff, it's not very easy to build something very powerful. And also I think Citizens don't have to have big homes. :D

Having the ability to spawn blocks would make things much easier, so I could create something bigger.
The House's Screenshot Album (The daylight picture shows the modification of the house. Another member helped me with that and I'm sorry I don't remember their name.)


Nice app.Nice build.Saw you in game.


Superbotar, please stop replying to all the applications and old threads. Thank you.

Also, eCCioE, your application has been accepted. :3 Congrats and nice app.