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My Third Moderator Application

Started by me455, September 10, 2013, 10:13:09 AM

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Hello, this is my third moderator application, if I don't get accepted on this one, well I give up on mod.

IGN: me455

IRL: name Colby Morgan

Activity before I found the amazing server of kaise: I played a few other servers but never really got into the liking of playing on a server with other people, but then I found kaise, and then I played it every once and a while but I didn't really play it much before i met some players the big reason i started playing this server was because of TheDarkWolf,

Activity on kaise: I play on this server just about every time i sit down to play on this computer, and then I play for sometimes up to 3 hours I think, I like to build anything with redstone, if you need help with redstone and i'm online I often ask if I could help, thats why i have the nickname on Mr_Redstone.

Skype: like i've said i don't have one and cant get one, if this is the reason i get denied for moderator well, ok { p.s tell me if this is the reason when you say i got denied }

Activity off kaise: I am a 12 year old boy who plays baseball and has alot of energy, I like to play other games on the computer aswell   Toribash, Crashtastic, BeamNG drive, and other games. I also like to play on my PS3, I play madden 13, Little Big Planet, and other games like those.

Commands I know: I have a very brief knowladge of commands, so I was hoping if I get accepted maybe some mods could help me learn them? if not I will look them up I just can't seem to find like a good speadsheet of commands right now.

Reasons why I think I deserve this rank: I think i deserve this rank because, I think I could be a very good addition to the staff crew and I think I could impress you if you give me a chance

The rank i am right now: Engineer

Hope this will get accepted

-me455 :D


wanna list the commands you know in a spoiler?
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but if they do, I'll kill them."
~Toby Turner


Hmmmm, I'll just list them here.

Like I said, very very brief knowladge all i know is like 5 commands.


/replace { block }

//set { block }

/tp { your name } { player you want to tp to name }

/expand { how much? } { which way? }


Might I suggest learning forum things such as spoilers, and maybe gain some more knowledge on what the core commands are and how to use them properly
"Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick, it will take you far" -Teddy Roosevelt
"Things do not happen. Things are made to happen." - John F. Kennedy


But like I said, maybe I could learn the commands? and I have no clue how to make a spoiler :P


Nowhere near enough detail for the Moderator rank. 12 is WELL below the age limit for Moderator, and will not be considered. There are numerous other issues too (Skype is required. Anyone and everyone can get Skype for free)

Skype: kaiwaugh1
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