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citizen application

Started by TheRedStorm, October 06, 2013, 09:12:06 AM

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I.G.N : The_RedStorm

I'v been on the server for 3 days (i think)

The reason that i want this rank is that i need the ability to protect a larger area , and to spawn some necessary items to build some other builds and stuff
and also i can help new players get some items that i can spawn for them to build  :)
after i get citizen i'll do my best to get to higher ranks like builder , engineer .  ;)

Pics of my Build :


Thats it ( i hope you accept )
You are the Universe expressing itself as a Human, For a little while !   :)



The pictures are good, but if you could add A little more info as to why you want citizen that'd be great :D
"Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick, it will take you far" -Teddy Roosevelt
"Things do not happen. Things are made to happen." - John F. Kennedy


Noted the improvements on your application and even saw your builds in game! Accepted. :)