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MAN!!!! Im not being in this server.. SUXX

Started by Silvood, October 10, 2013, 03:19:40 AM

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Well, im PERMANENTLY leaving this server.....
You guys are die for only blocks kind of a game, cuz you guys are too hard to be rank up, report, or anything. THIS IS JUST A GAME LOL. Are you guys think crazy? Specially, kaise.. He waste ALOT of DOLLARS only for a cute game LOL. Game is just for make us happy when we got bored. All of this is f**kin DUMP way to play, we just play for fun, not for waste money lol. THIS IS JUST A FREAKIN GAME OKAYYYYY. The real gamers is not dump like this server.
Anyways goodbye all f**kin dump people who loves this server, DUMP!!! Hahaha hhahahah
You wasted all your pocket money ya Kaise, hahahahha lol you just like a kid wanting to play a minigames and waste moneys hahahahahah lololol. Stupid ways to play. There are reports or application or file or documents ONLY FOR A GAME?!?! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH THISSS ISSS FREAKINNNN CRRRRAAAAZZZZYY. Lol anyway i dont want to follow dumps peoples you YA ALL PLAYERS OF KCV.

ONE more msg for everyone:
Never want to follow dump people who makes terrible server and waste a lot of money. Hahaha is you follow, the you are a NOOB. MUAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA

Bye money waster!
Dump way, docs in a game.


I was going to try reply in a responsible manner like I should do, then I realized that your way of portraying your thoughts is just too dumb to comprehend, so I'll leave you with a simple one liner.

Enjoy the forum ban. See ya.
"The healthy human mind doesn't wake up in the morning thinking this is its last day on Earth. But I think that's a luxury, not a curse. To know you're close to the end is a kind of freedom, good time to take... inventory."



I also found this amusing.... But I'll go through it bit by bit either way, in case anyone reading wants some more content here.

Quote from: Silvood on October 10, 2013, 03:19:40 AM
You guys are die for only blocks kind of a game, cuz you guys are too hard to be rank up, report, or anything
I'm having a bit of trouble understanding, But I think you are trying to say that it's too hard to rank up. I'm not sure what you mean by it being hard to report though. Anyway, Ranking up is very easy. In fact, It would have taken less effort then you put into this post to get you Citizen, and probably not much more for Builder, Screenshots included. So I'm not quite sure why you're complaining there. As for ranks like Engineer, The extra effort is requited for the reward. Nothing in life comes without effort.

Quote from: Silvood on October 10, 2013, 03:19:40 AM
THIS IS JUST A GAME LOL. Are you guys think crazy? Specially, kaise.. He waste ALOT of DOLLARS only for a cute game LOL. Game is just for make us happy when we got bored.
Yes, It is just a game, so remind me again why you are getting so worked up about it? People can do as they please... There are plenty of worse things to spend your money on (Cough, Facebook games). I actually don't waste any money at all, Anything I spend is because I want to. Besides, The server is primarily funded from donations, and only the initial launch and about $100 from myself were paid by me. I run the server because it's a hobby and I enjoy it.

Quote from: Silvood on October 10, 2013, 03:19:40 AM
All of this is f**kin DUMP way to play, we just play for fun, not for waste money lol. THIS IS JUST A FREAKIN GAME OKAYYYYY. The real gamers is not dump like this server.
This is also close to unintelligible, But I'm guessing you are trying to say that it's a stupid idea to have to pay for higher ranks? Well, As much as I'd like to make all of the ranks freely available, there are several reasons why this is impossible. Primarily, the server does rely on the donations to run. I'm not prepared to pay for all of it. The second reason is that without requiring payment, it would be harder to control the use and distribution of powerful commands, such as WorldEdit. People are less likely to abuse something they paid for.

Quote from: Silvood on October 10, 2013, 03:19:40 AM
ONE more msg for everyone:
Never want to follow dump people who makes terrible server and waste a lot of money. Hahaha is you follow, the you are a NOOB. MUAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA

Bye money waster!
Dump way, docs in a game.

People are free to do as they please... nobody is forced to spend money here.

Also, as a final note, KCv2's Rank prices are quite reasonable compared to a lot of servers. In fact, I've even seen servers charging up to $200 USD for ranks. Any successful server will have a reporting system, some form of applications or way of obtaining general ranks, and almost definitely staff applications. Most server's also charge for higher ranks.

Try and think a bit before you post. And learn some English.
Skype: kaiwaugh1
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