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My rank for Chocolatejam1

Started by CaStRoLkO155, October 14, 2013, 02:45:20 AM

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Hi :/

Chocolatejam said after im leaving server :
'He give his rank to me coz his brother silvood is perm ban'
Answer : i am not leaving the server because of my brother silvood got perm ban :P . Just... Nothing to do in this server, i just would give you my ranks to ya jam :) nothing to do at the server for me is just because i am leaving the server like a little bitch and i will never be ranked up, engineer is the last rank i had. I will never get accepted, i said sorry and no one believe me my brother was making that "AssyAzzyNacky" because the one not believing is saying i am a little bitch. And yes i am a little bitch, this is just a game and we need so long application to be ranked up in a rank, now look how this ncc's forums is easily to get rank, we just need half line post to become the first rank and 2 or 3 lines posts to become a admin/mod and etc. If you dont believe go at this site :

How easy is that??? And whats the difference of this forums??? The heck.

Last words i say :
1)Yes, i am a little bitch which will never got any ranks

2)give my rank to Chocolatejam1


~Smiley Face :D


You have the rank of engineer which is a free rank. We don't transfer free ranks because the players have to earn them themselves.

Also, we make ranking up hard just because we want the players to do their best to obtain them. Imagine how the server would look like if you'd just have to write 3 lines of text to be accepted. The server would simply implode.