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IP Ban Report : Player150/Player368

Started by Zlexy, November 27, 2012, 06:27:27 AM

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clear spammer. muted perm. came on another account with the same IP. ip ban.

19:21:34 Guest: Player150: hey
19:21:38 Guest: Player150: jnhbgvfcd
19:21:40 Guest: Player150: gfvdcs
19:21:42 Guest: Player150: rtfds
19:21:44 Guest: Player150: hgbfvddsa
19:21:44 Guest: Player150: hgfd
19:21:46 Guest: Player150: hgbfvf
19:21:48 Guest: Player150: hgfd

19:21:48 CONSOLE: [INFO] BIXEIRA issued server command: /msg shadowxr posso do outro lado
19:21:51 Guest: Player150: hngbvf
19:21:52 Guest: Player150: ryhg

19:21:52 CONSOLE: [INFO] Shadowxr issued server command: /msg BIXEIRA cara toma maça dourada
19:21:52 Guest: Player150: mjhbgf
19:21:54 Guest: Player150: jhngfrew
19:21:56 Guest: Player150: ffrewjhgf
19:21:58 Guest: Player150: re
19:22:00 Guest: Player150: dfd

19:22:06 Citizen: Karathor: Is he serious?
19:22:10 Server: /mute player150
19:22:14 Guest: BIXEIRA: vlw
19:22:14 CONSOLE: [INFO] Player Player150 muted.
19:22:14 CONSOLE: [INFO] Karathor issued server command: /res tp Karatower
19:22:21 CONSOLE: [INFO] Connection reset
19:22:21 CONSOLE: Player150 has left.
19:22:21 CONSOLE: [INFO] Player150 lost connection: disconnect.endOfStream
19:22:21 CONSOLE: [INFO] Connection reset
19:22:21 CONSOLE: Player150 has left.
19:22:21 CONSOLE: [INFO] Player150 lost connection: disconnect.endOfStream
19:22:22 Server: muted
19:22:22 CONSOLE: [INFO] Shadowxr issued server command: /msg BIXEIRA é pq tem lava
19:22:22 Guest: dudu2121: achei alguma coisa
19:22:26 Server: have his ip too
19:22:30 CONSOLE: Player368 has logged in.
19:22:44 CONSOLE: [INFO] Player368 issued server command: /register *passwordhidden* *passwordhidden*
19:22:51 Server: /mute player368
19:22:52 CONSOLE: [INFO] Player Player368 muted.
19:22:56 Server: /banip player368
"The healthy human mind doesn't wake up in the morning thinking this is its last day on Earth. But I think that's a luxury, not a curse. To know you're close to the end is a kind of freedom, good time to take... inventory."