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Started by WootWoot, December 05, 2013, 05:51:37 PM

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Greeting, readers and application reviewers. I have been playing this server for approximately two months, and wish to contribute more toward the betterment of the server, community and forum. I also would like to watch this server grow and flourish, with myself being a part of it. For this simple reason, I am Applying for Citizen. I am aware that this is my first rank in this server to apply for, and I understand that, for many reasons, the application process is going to be long, and there is a high possibility of denial. But, since I have nothing to lose, I'm going to begin with my formal application/resume.

My Ingame Name

Hello Everyone My Name is WootWoot im Playing Minecraft for 3 years and i my habit on playing on a multiplayer server is to help people
not to abuse them . if

About Me

Hi My Real Name is John Faustino i Live in Penninsula , Kentucky Canada im 18years old
and i have a Supportive Girlfriend ..
Im on Collage Level .. My Mom's Job is a Nurse and My Dad's Job is Technician

My Profile in the Game

Hello Im WootWoot
Im Very Helpful Player
im playing minecraft in 1 server for 3 years and that is
and i didnt get the Staff Rank . But i got the Command of a Staff Rank . Because the Admin and Staff
See's what i did on there server . Every Staff and Admins Meeting .. I always join them in a skype group call :)

Minecraft Experience
I Starting Playing Minecraft Because of My Couzin push to play it
then i started to play minecraft
And I dont even know what to do Because im a noob .. HAHA!!
But Every Single day im level up playing minecraft .
I Become a Great Parkour Player and Pvp fighter ..
And a Smart Player

My Skype
if you want t o add me on skype
> ID: yuzukijohn04 <
Thats My Username
I have over 500+ Contacts in my Acc
Many of them is Minecraft Friends ..

Ok Im Gonna End This because my Application is too Long
I Wish You Accept my Application ..
But if not im gonna show the all the people in
im a trustfull people

Thank You
I Hope You Like My Application


This app is amazing, but we still need pictures of your house :)


I don't like your application. I see a few things wrong here.

Number one is that this is a citizen application, not a builder or engineer application, so you could've kept it all short and to the point.

Two, you didn't follow the format in the sticky topic.

Three, there's no picture of a build of any kind.

Four, I've never seen you in game, and I've been playing here since near the beginning of this year. I usually play anywhere from 6 to 12 hours a day, depending. Sometimes I'm on longer if I have nothing to do.

The fifth thing is that you've lied about your location.

I've played with quite a few players from the Phillipines, both in MC and other online games.

The other thing is... Kentucky doesn't have a penninsula, to my knowledge. And Kentucky is in America, not Canada.

We also got a lot of other useless information that we didn't need.