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Ck's Staff Application

Started by ckkoolman, April 12, 2014, 08:50:01 AM

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Name: Paul Melton

Age: 16           

Ign: ckkoolman

Skype Name: Ckkoolman
  Activity:   Although I was inactive on the server for quite some time, I honestly enjoy playing on this server.. I have a few... Indiscretions in survival, but that's only because of factions. In the main world I love to help people, If I get an opportunity to help, I most of the time will. I had quite a few builds in the previous worlds but due to the reset and me having computer issues I no longer have those builds.

Acquaintances/friends: I have met some fantastic people in my time playing on the server, Some such as, TheDarkWolf, Steve, Airi, Baroom, Skulk, Smoove, Robo, Exi, Deimos, Goudvis, Lepid, Janusfenix, TheNightFury, NotsoFun, Olei, and many more... In all honestly my 4 favorite mods/admins so far would have to be Baroom, Exi, Deimos, and sadly he is no longer playing but, Skulk.

Time Devoted: I love playing on the server and have devoted around 5 hours per day, Some days give or take more, I have been playing on the server for about 9-10 months but around a year if you count me being inactive.

        Commands :I know a lot WorldGuard and WorldEdit commands (Due to some really appreciated help from, no other than, Bob and Janus). Although I will admit I'm not to familiar with forum commands (But I am always willing to learn). I shall now list the ones I am familiar with,  but I am open to learning more:

[spoiler]//wand - Gives you a wand that lets you define a cuboid region
//chunk - Select all the blocks in the chunk that you are in
//expand - Expand your selection in any direction
//contract - Contract your selection
//size - Find out how big your selection is
//count - Get the count of a certain block in the selection
//copy - Copy to your clipboard
//cut - Copy and delete
//paste - Paste your selection
//pasteair - Paste, air included
//save - Save a .schematic
//set - Set all the blocks inside a region to a block type, OR to a definable random mix of blocks (i.e only 1% diamond ore)
//stack - Stack the region (i.e. repeat a section of a bridge)
//stackair - Also copies air
//move - Move the region
//moveair - Also moves air
//outline - Draw faces
//walls - Draw walls
//replace - Replace one block type with another, OR several block types with another, OR replace non-air blocks with another
/replacenear - Shortcut //replace that works on nearby blocks
//overlay - Overlay a block over the selected region
//smooth - Smooth the terrain in the region
//fill - Fill holes with something
//drain - Drains water and lava pools
//cyl - Generate filled cylinders
//sphere - Generate spheres
//hsphere - Generate hollow spheres
/fixwater - Level water and turns flowing water into stationary water
/fixlava - Level lava and turns flowing lava into stationary lava
/removeabove - Remove blocks directly above
/removebelow - Remove blocks directly below
/removenear - Remove blocks near you of a certain type (i.e. TNT)
/snow - Generate snow cover and freeze over lakes near you
/butcher - Kill nearby mobs
//restore - Restore the selection region from a backup
//tool - Lets you use extra tools, like insta-tree!
/ascend - Go up to the level above you
/descend - Go down a level
/ceil - Get access to the ceiling above you
/thru - Go through the wall that you are looking at
/up - Go upwards some distance
/jumpto - Go to the block that you are looking at
/chunkinfo - Get the coordinates and path of the chunk that you are in currently in
/listchunks - Get a list of chunks
/delchunks - Generate a shell script to delete chunks
//limit - Set a maximum block change limit for operations
/toggleeditwand - Toggles use of the edit wand
/toggleplace - Rather than use your feet, use position 1 for point commands
/region define <id> [<owner1> [<owner2> [<owners...>]]]
/region update <id>
/region remove <id>[/spoiler]

   Nationality:     My language is English, even though my spelling may differ that opinion sometimes. But if needed i can slow down my typing speed to add better grammar/spelling. I am currently learning Spanish in my high-school class, and yes i am a highschooler so I cannot be on from around 8 am to 4 pm, on a regular week day. I am currently 16 years old, birthday April 27,
     Other Activites:    When I'm off from school, in my free-time,  I do football, and track, I also do a little bit of wait lifting and I am the President of NHS ( National honor Society).
Reason:     The reason I think should be accepted for this moderator position is because I love helping people I honestly do, I am a pretty active player, and I want to be the guy that new players ask for help, I love to strive for the best and I honestly think that a moderator position is the biggest achievement anyone could ever have, I would be honored to be a moderator and love to be a part of the team. I can help people now but, (and I do) I am not the guy people want help from, If i volunteer yeah sure I can do somethings for them, but I want to be able to help them with everything such as, WorldGuard. i also love the atmosphere of the server and would love to be part of the team.

  People I have helped:   I have helped a few people since I've been back, such as , fasfasfa, Flyingpigs, and  Olei, those ones are just the ones that came to mind, but I have a quite bit more.
Practice:  I have practiced moderator on many other servers, and Id love to be able to be one on Kaisecraft, I enjoy the players and hope to help the server strive to the top, I mean I've wanted to be a moderator since the first week I joined the server, but I thought I had no chances what so ever, so now I have finally worked up the confidence to try for it, but hey if I don't get accepted I will still be a proud member of Kaisecraft and maybe some time in the future re-try this. I hope any of my fellow candidates luck they will continue to be my friends if I don't receive this, and they all have support from me.

Reason why inactive for a period of time: I was inactive for quite a bit of time 3 months give or take, and trust me it wasn't because I disliked the server it was because A:Lag and B: A cracked client. I was using a cracked client , actually it was Kaise's, and when all the servers updated the client didn't get updated in till around 2 months ago, I tried to get on but since I was roaming for clients I got quite a few viruses which indeed caused me to not be able to play, so 2 months later I did a reboot and bought the real Minecraft, so there wont be any problems with me being inactive
                                                                    Thank you for considering my application,
                                                                                      Paul Melton


Very nice grammar. You re a nice guy.
Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.


Thank you Olei, your a great guy.

Cj -Master of Trollz

Ck we aren't the bet of friends but I will give you my full Support for this app
"I fear not the man who has practiced 10000 kicks 1 time,but the man who has practiced 1 kick 10000 times" ~Bruce Lee

Akahitoha (AiriSchwartz)

Your. Formatting. Is. Bad. And. You. Should. Feel. Bad.

JK :3.

Actually, same as the other formats on the applications, the commands are to be hidden in spoilers.

I'm not to sure about your achievements... same with some of the others, you've have nothing particularly bad or good said about you. And so I'm leaving this to the higher ups.



Really nice app he helped me a lot you will do perfect for this rank
I hope you get accepted

You have my Support


Quote from: Miyu (AiriSchwartz) on April 13, 2014, 09:23:49 AM
Your. Formatting. Is. Bad. And. You. Should. Feel. Bad.

JK :3.

Actually, same as the other formats on the applications, the commands are to be hidden in spoilers.

I'm not to sure about your achievements... same with some of the others, you've have nothing particularly bad or good said about you. And so I'm leaving this to the higher ups.

In relation to this ^^
Spoilers were missing up until now, Sorry! They are fixed now. I edited the application just to put the commands into one.
Skype: kaiwaugh1
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I like your application.  :D
Full support


Quote from: Miyu (AiriSchwartz) on April 13, 2014, 09:23:49 AM
Your. Formatting. Is. Bad. And. You. Should. Feel. Bad.

JK :3.

Actually, same as the other formats on the applications, the commands are to be hidden in spoilers.

I'm not to sure about your achievements... same with some of the others, you've have nothing particularly bad or good said about you. And so I'm leaving this to the higher ups.



I have seen you ingame and you seem to be a nice player and i think that you're going to be a good mod.... just don't screw anything up.



Thanks Lepid, I wont let you down.


Instead of posting bad jokes, I should probably say something about the app :P
Your english is very good and the app is nice. I've met you ingame and you seem to be nice so you probably deserve a shot.
You have my support! (Until you do something bad :D)


Ha thanks Thrax! I liked your joke, I even pointed it out to Airi xD.


"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but if they do, I'll kill them."
~Toby Turner

Akahitoha (AiriSchwartz)

Seriously, I didn't want to see anything related to "bad" manners. But there's just a small thing I frowned upon.

I also checked Core Protect chat logs, you could've dealt with this in a better way. My stance isn't changed, but you should get your 'game on' if you want more support from the staff, including me.