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Ciztii's Moderator application

Started by Ciztii, December 24, 2012, 03:25:31 AM

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support great player havent done anything with him but ive talked to him and i hope he gets moderator hes a great guy
Just trying to kill time before time kills me.


I've caught you griefing a lot around the server lately, not to mention your attutude towards other staff members. I have multiple witnesses and some proof of the griefing and I've heard complaints about you from staff as well. I'm changing my mind on this one.
Former account on original ServerCraft/KaiseCraft/Mdynamics (ThePokeruler)

The color that you see when your bleeding, is none other than red.

"Red is the ultimate cure for sadness." --Bill Blass


I was completely on the fence as to denying/accepting you, However Red's input on the situation has tipped me towards the deny side of things.

Skype: kaiwaugh1
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