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PuppyPaw Moderator

Started by PuppyPaw, January 19, 2013, 03:20:23 PM

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Nikki Irwinn


I would like to become a Moderator of KaiseCraft version two mainly because of my love for helping others. I would love to be able to donate and support Kaise but i currently do not have money for donations. So I figured i could help him out by joining his fellow staff members in keeping the server
the way it should be.

Before Kaise:
Before I joined KaiseCraft I jumped from server to server looking for a good combination of nice people, and staff and also looking for a server that wasn't mainly PvP like any other server out there. Well in my opinion Kaise is by far the best server i had ever played on. I love all the staff and players on the server. I'm glad i found you guys!

Currently on Kaise I am a rank Builder. I have about three major builds and one small. The one small build was just to help MrFajitas get some funds for his town in progress called Buttertown. My three larger builds have all been with people i hold dearly to my heart. Me CrimsonTornado built a mansion together that took several days to build. The second build was me, Baroompsychoo, and Akmal's attempt at building a city in the game Skyrim Called WinterHold. The last build, which i built today is a castle i built mostly by myself but with some help from Smooves and Shoker_53. I now having nothing to really do on the server besides help people, it is kind of difficult being a builder and not having WE, WG, and LB to help them out.

Attitude and Reputation:
In game I have a really positive attitude towards negative thing. I try to be energetic and happy so that maybe, just maybe, some of that happiness will rub off onto my fellow players. I do not really know my popularity on the server but I know that i am friends with many of the players in game. I hope to improve my attitude and reputation from this new rank of Moderator.

Knowledge of BBcodes and LB, WE, and WG:
I currently know how to use LB, WE, and WG only think i currently do not have a clue about is BBcodes.

Thank you for your time,


Great application Nikki! Seems to be pretty thorough, and I (along with countless others, im sure) enjoy your presence on the server. You've got my support :)


you got my support PuppyPaw ;)

- IGN: shoker_56


Looks pretty good, We'll see what everyone else thinks.
Skype: kaiwaugh1
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I'll support, good app and i know you (-ish) xD


so "PuppyPaw" you are the same person that argued and blocked with me on skype for merely asking a question about your identity. also, "PuppyPaw", you are the same person that appears online rarely, and i havent seen on for a while in-game or when i have been on the console.

I do not support for these reasons
"The healthy human mind doesn't wake up in the morning thinking this is its last day on Earth. But I think that's a luxury, not a curse. To know you're close to the end is a kind of freedom, good time to take... inventory."


Quote from: PuppyPaw on January 19, 2013, 03:20:23 PM
Nikki Irwinn


I would like to become a Moderator of KaiseCraft version two mainly because of my love for helping others. I would love to be able to donate and support Kaise but i currently do not have money for donations. So I figured i could help him out by joining his fellow staff members in keeping the server
the way it should be.

Before Kaise:
Before I joined KaiseCraft I jumped from server to server looking for a good combination of nice people, and staff and also looking for a server that wasn't mainly PvP like any other server out there. Well in my opinion Kaise is by far the best server i had ever played on. I love all the staff and players on the server. I'm glad i found you guys!

Currently on Kaise I am a rank Builder. I have about three major builds and one small. The one small build was just to help MrFajitas get some funds for his town in progress called Buttertown. My three larger builds have all been with people i hold dearly to my heart. Me CrimsonTornado built a mansion together that took several days to build. The second build was me, Baroompsychoo, and Akmal's attempt at building a city in the game Skyrim Called WinterHold. The last build, which i built today is a castle i built mostly by myself but with some help from Smooves and Shoker_53. I now having nothing to really do on the server besides help people, it is kind of difficult being a builder and not having WE, WG, and LB to help them out.

Attitude and Reputation:
In game I have a really positive attitude towards negative thing. I try to be energetic and happy so that maybe, just maybe, some of that happiness will rub off onto my fellow players. I do not really know my popularity on the server but I know that i am friends with many of the players in game. I hope to improve my attitude and reputation from this new rank of Moderator.

Knowledge of BBcodes and LB, WE, and WG:
I currently know how to use LB, WE, and WG only think i currently do not have a clue about is BBcodes.

Thank you for your time,

You cannot lie in your application...
In addition to Wanyama's reasons, you do not know LogBlock or WorldGuard and you have been banned in the past.

Le god of le troll~

Msg me if you need help or have questions :D


When was PuppyPaw banned? I wasn't able to find a report...
Skype: kaiwaugh1
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I spoke to wanyama about it over Skype, I don't know if a report was ever posted though. However I'm pretty sure half the staff are somewhat aware. The ban was around November maybe?
Le god of le troll~

Msg me if you need help or have questions :D


Skype: kaiwaugh1
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