
Forums are back up, but many custom plugins and theming has been lost. If I get the time, I'll try and fix it back up - Kaise123

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KCv2 Official information

Started by Kaise123, September 25, 2012, 08:37:16 PM

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New MC Server - KCV2
Information regarding 'KCV2'
Last updated by Kaise123 on the 3rd of November 2012

Some info:

Running Bukkit 1.3.2
- 1GB of RAM
- 2gbps Uplink speed on MultiMinecraft premium tier
- Plugins:
     - AuthMe (Config-Done)
     - Better Alias (Config-Done, Additions possible later)
     - Buycraft (Unfinished)
     - PEX Chat Manager (Config-Done)
     - Essentials (Config-Done)
     - IBelieveICanFly (Allows non-creative flymods)
     - Logblock (Config-Done, Tweaking may be required)
     - PermissionsEX (Config-Done, Permissions-Done, tweaking may be required)
     - Residence (Config: 50%, Groups need to be made and set up, limitations decided. YES, PROTECTIONS WILL BE FREE)
     - WorldBorder (Config-Done)
     - WorldEdit (Config-Done)
     - WorldGuard (Config-Done)
     - McMMO (Nothing done)
     - PvP Toggle (Config-Done)
     And a couple more that are not necessary to mention.
- New world
- Completely redone plugins, nothing carried over from old server
- Completely new server name
- None of the old player ranks will be carried over (Treat this server as NEW and unrelated to Server/KaiseCraft)
- Some staff will be handpicked by me, please do not ask for a position

Yet to be completed:

- Nothing that I know of


- Protection plugin. (Residence, Using command aliases, protection is free, however a limit does apply by default. Undecided as yet)
- Permissions done. Tweaking will obviously be done, but for the main part they are pretty much completed.
- Item spawning permissions
- Configuration on most plugins
- Spawn itself

Known Bugs:

- None!

Suggestions are welcome, and encouraged, IF they are sensible.
Skype: kaiwaugh1
Like KCv2 on Facebook:
Please VOTE for KCv2 here:

MC Client:

Web hosting kindly provided by Darkfire


Actually updated this thread. I'll try to keep it up to date from now on to keep everyone 'In the loop'

Sorry about the slowness with progress, I was expecting to have a working internet connection set up at my house around 4 weeks ago, but the company installing the satellite is incredibly unreliable and therefore it has not yet been installed. When the internet is installed I will quickly finish the things that need to be done and make the server public.
Skype: kaiwaugh1
Like KCv2 on Facebook:
Please VOTE for KCv2 here:

MC Client:

Web hosting kindly provided by Darkfire


When you said that there's going to be a new world, it doesn't mean a different world to what we are using right now, right?


Quote from: .:B.E.A.S.T:. on October 17, 2012, 03:20:53 PM
When you said that there's going to be a new world, it doesn't mean a different world to what we are using right now, right?

Nope. New world from the old KC world
Skype: kaiwaugh1
Like KCv2 on Facebook:
Please VOTE for KCv2 here:

MC Client:

Web hosting kindly provided by Darkfire



Some updates:

Request for help, if anybody can give it.
Added some new plugins (BetterAlias and Residence)
Completed protection plugin and permissions
Skype: kaiwaugh1
Like KCv2 on Facebook:
Please VOTE for KCv2 here:

MC Client:

Web hosting kindly provided by Darkfire


I'm happy to help with anything you need Kai <3  ;D


I'll also lend you a hand Kai, dabeast100 at your service!  ;)


BTW, it is said that 1.4 will be coming out tomorrow and i know that you'll have to wait till all the plugins have been updated, before the server us updated to 1.4. Do you have a time you think this is going to occur?


Quote from: .:B.E.A.S.T:. on October 24, 2012, 09:14:54 PM
BTW, it is said that 1.4 will be coming out tomorrow and i know that you'll have to wait till all the plugins have been updated, before the server us updated to 1.4. Do you have a time you think this is going to occur?

Tomorrow? The pre-release is out, but AFAIK the final release is hitting the launcher on Halloween. And yes I'll have to update the server, but TBH I don't know how long it will take. Just have to wait for bukkit, then a couple of days for plugins to catch up.
Skype: kaiwaugh1
Like KCv2 on Facebook:
Please VOTE for KCv2 here:

MC Client:

Web hosting kindly provided by Darkfire


I would also be happy to assist you, and, although i may be rather unfarmilliar with how to create a PFD file, i learn very quickly. ;D

if the entire world fallowed the assumption that it must operate based upon an eye for an eye, everyone would have horrible depth Perception o.O


Quote from: Diion_Beyer on October 25, 2012, 12:21:08 AM
I would also be happy to assist you, and, although i may be rather unfarmilliar with how to create a PFD file, i learn very quickly. ;D

You go into Microsoft word doc and click "save as" Then scroll down the list of file extensions and chose .pdf ;3 Then click save and it opens and saves your file as a .pdf, Simple :D


Quote from: Kaise123 on September 25, 2012, 08:37:16 PM
- Forums: I would appreciate some help with organizing the KCv2 board
This includes locking topics which aren't currently being used and old, right?


o.o that is very easy, thank you sab ;D

if the entire world fallowed the assumption that it must operate based upon an eye for an eye, everyone would have horrible depth Perception o.O


On the forums hand, it is quite confusing on where to make a post or where the post should be located. Maybe a section just for the server and title it server talk  and also there should be a applications or whatever else u would like.