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wundawaffle's Moderator Application!

Started by xWundawafflex, January 30, 2013, 08:36:52 PM

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Hello KCv2 Kaise123, Staff and member's
IGN: wundawaffle and you may also know me as
HecticMonkey, ScS_Monkey KcS_Monkey.
My real name is Flynn
I wish to apply for the difficult rank "Moderator"

Activity: I have been playing KCv2 sever for quite a while
now, I play on the KCv2 sever between 2-4hours
on a good day I can be one for about 5-6!

Activity Before KCv2: I was on the old Kaise123 BBGun Server "ServerCraft"
for a quite a while! My ranking on ServerCraft was Protector!
I also played On HecticPotato9's server CrazyCraft and my ranking was Admin/Cowner! this
was a fantastic server but it wasn't as famous as KCv2!
I also have played BubleCraft For about a month and my ranking was Builder!

After SeverCraft ShutDown: i went on playing BubleCraft and CrazyCraft for sometime! but sadley i didnt
get whitelisted for KCv2.
Fourm's Knowledge?: to be quite honset i dont know much about the fourm's
but there is always a chance to learn! :)

My Reputation: I think i have a really good reputation on KCv2 i have made fantastic friends,
Cristansama, Smoove, Bluestar5, Prowl, COBO1999 (But sadly COBO1999 Griefed my house :/) BenjaHack and ExpertGamer and alot of more
great people!

Additional Information: My age is 13 My Skype is hecticflynn I live in New South Wales, Australia. I speak good Australian and I speak a bit of Aboriginal! (because im a Aborigina! :) I love helping out the community, I help people who are in need! I know how to use World edit, world edit is a set of commands such as, //set, //expand, /remove, //wand, /copy, /paste, and //undo. Wolrd Guard is commands like /region flag
/region addowner, /region info, /region removemember. I know how to ban/kick players with /kick Kwaerdfg for being a naughty person /ban Ksuenjje
/ip ban sjhdjsa, i dont know much about /Res but ill learn as soon as possible!!

Things That I hate: Griefer's disrespectful people, and to
many other things that I Hate :P

What I do in my spear time? Well on the weekends I play Cricket
for most of the day.
And hanging out with friends on Friday I play Soccer and go to school and study at home which is annoying
so i try to keep most of my spear time playing on KCv2 with very nice players and staff! :)

Your's Sincerely:
wundawaffle <3


Definently support. Good with commands, tonnes of fun, friendly & an awesome builder :) Good luck


Really cool guy, your usually calm and chill.
i support.



You might want to spread your app out so it's easier to read.

What do you know about LogBlock? What do you know about the plugins you've listed, WorldGuard/WorldEdit, Residence?
And you speak Australian? Umm English is necessary, I know nothing about 'australian'  :P Joking.

Le god of le troll~

Msg me if you need help or have questions :D




You speak 'strayan? Awesome. Aside from that, The application is a little short so my support is neutral.
Skype: kaiwaugh1
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I support you Monkey




Support! If I had known you were HecticFlynn I would've supported as soon as you applied. You were great on servercraft, you've proven to be nice and you speak English well. I hope to see you as a mod really soon old friend  ;D
Former account on original ServerCraft/KaiseCraft/Mdynamics (ThePokeruler)

The color that you see when your bleeding, is none other than red.

"Red is the ultimate cure for sadness." --Bill Blass


A few punctuation/spelling errors. Also, the command isn't /ip ban  :P. But otherwise, this is a very, very good app. Support :D.

------------------------------------------------------------Behold, the formation from a Crafting table to the pigman :o. The crafting table must have created us all, each in different individuals.


Le god of le troll~

Msg me if you need help or have questions :D


to what Troll just said, i think a griefing history on this server makes you ineligible. sorry, no support
"The healthy human mind doesn't wake up in the morning thinking this is its last day on Earth. But I think that's a luxury, not a curse. To know you're close to the end is a kind of freedom, good time to take... inventory."