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Messages - TheAmazingBobert

Please add more info as to why you want the rank, and some photos of your builds, and you'll be golden :D
Citizen Applications / Re: I want to be a citizen.
December 19, 2013, 12:15:31 PM
If you could format this like an actual citizen application, and post pictures of your builds, why you want this rank, your power level etc. That'd be awesome :D
Citizen Applications / Re: _AlphaAce Citizen Application
December 18, 2013, 03:40:09 PM
Other / Re: Pictures With Santa!
December 18, 2013, 03:11:32 PM

The newest addition to the santa picture wall :D
Other / Pictures With Santa!
December 18, 2013, 02:03:48 PM
I've become Santa in game :D, I'm taking pictures with players, how about you come and get a picture taken with santa, and I'll puush and give you the image, only work required is downloading it xD. Too find where the pictures are being taken, do either /warp Santa, or find us we're at spawn :D

Also don't Forget to check out the spawn,The staff put a lot of work into improving the spawn today, and even decorating it in the name of the Christmas season! We even have a tree, and Baroom has a secret room waiting for you guys once she finishes it!

Other / Re: Whats you're internet speed?
December 15, 2013, 04:27:59 PM
There has to be no history of any of the members in your faction being aggressive or raiding/killing another player while they where in your faction... Which I know Shadow is guilty of killing other players, and Jed seems to have killed..
Other / Re: My Return.
December 05, 2013, 11:45:57 AM
I'm locking this thread as well, and as long as you're leaving, you can enjoy the permanent ban on your way out. As gamergirl said, this is truely pathetic, as if the week long ban I issued was not bad enough... you've pushed yourself over the edge, Good-bye Me455 I hope you mature someday into someone who can handle being around other people. I will also be removing your replies in this thread.

Help & Support / Re: abusing powers
December 05, 2013, 11:29:57 AM
Colby.. I cannot believe you and how you've reacted to this situation... I'm going to settle this now. As Shadow did not need to specify if his social spy was on or not, I cannot call it power abuse, although for future reference we should probably turn our socialspy off in survival from now on. As for you colby.. that puush and this thread have Granted you a 3 Day ban... you're back for one day and already cause trouble.. I'm locking this thread and removing your last post. Enjoy the ban.

Despite all the grammar problems.. you've provided enough information.. and builds..

Accepted Staff / Re: Moderator Application: SpyroXI
December 04, 2013, 08:55:42 AM
spyro you're a good player, whom I'd love to see as staff as you're respectful in game and I've never seen you cause players any grief, however... While the application itself is good, you're missing some key info we look for in an application such as World Edit commands, World Guard commands, Core Inspect commands, and maybe some res commands if you want bonus xD. Also to tell us a little more about yourself in a brief way so we know who you are would be awesome, so for these reasons i'm going to remain neutral for now.

EDIT: I've noticed the edits, and You have my support, although one more thing you could do to make it neater is hide the commands in spoilers :P

News / Re: ...
December 04, 2013, 08:43:12 AM
I have removed this sign earlier ingame. Tyler you've been given several warnings ingame and now on the forum.. This is highly innapropriate to post here, especially since you were muted for antagonizing this player.. you're walking a very thin line right now... I suggest you get yourself together before actual action is taken.. now I'm locking this because I don't want people to become offended by this and start huge arguments in the thread.. I'd especially be upset if the player in the photo sees this.

Locked Don't give me another reason to warn you further
Introductions / Re: Akmalzonia!!!!
December 04, 2013, 07:13:14 AM
I've never met you, but it sounds like most everyone likes you :D, so I hope to meet in you in game soon, Welcome Back.

this app is awesome, also, if you had an alt account, provide a screenshot of it, and I can transfer over the rank, also if the village is not too large, we can copy paste it with no big issue :P
Citizen Applications / Re: Citizen app
December 03, 2013, 01:49:22 PM
Accepted because I saw the house ingame, and it's been built by both players
