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Messages - TheAmazingBobert

Accepted Staff / Re: Luxey's Moderator Application
November 17, 2013, 06:09:41 AM
Luxey I have seen you in game and I know that you've never caused any issues of any type, you're too quiet, and I've seen some fantastic builds from you, along with a display of a massive amount of Patience toward other players. I know that you could very easily make it as a mod, so I'm going to support you.

Accepted Staff / Re: Staff application : Deimos
November 16, 2013, 10:49:06 AM
Deimos I like your application, it's well written and you're indeed Fluent in English. Although I'd have liked to see the commands they are as wolf said easy to get the hang of, although I'd recommend asking for help with World Edit. I think you could easily make it as a mod, and I'd like to see you given a Chance, but seeing as I don't see you often and cannot give much of an opinion other than what I see, until that changes I'm afraid I'm going to stay
Neutral for now


General Info / Re: Me455's Leaving.
November 16, 2013, 10:41:48 AM
Oh good lord... Ciztii that was uncalled for, And Ruben... I've never seen someone be so wrong about something...

Colby, You will be missed by me and all the Staff, Good luck with what it is you plan to do and Have great misadventures where ever you go. Good bye good friend :P

-Locked Due to the amount of fighting in this thread
Suggestions / Re: Festivals! in kaisecraft
November 16, 2013, 10:35:41 AM
I was thinking more of a Decorate the Spawn on Holidays. And if not the spawn we could Create a warp to a city Designed for Each holiday. Both will be costly in time but once done we could reuse each, although the spawn will be fairly easy even though it's large we only have to do along the main road. And for the city thing I was thinking not a very large city 100x150 at best, and I wasn't thinking all holidays Just large ones; Halloween, Christmas, Maybe Easter. But once we were to finish the cities, if we do the idea, Said cities could be reused meaning we would only build them once. This was my idea anyway, If anyone has a different idea speak up :P.
It was a joke, don't worry about it
Citizen Applications / Re: Vertiqx For Citizen
November 10, 2013, 04:44:31 AM
Add a better reason as to why you want citizen

Denied Staff / Re: Application for a staff position
November 05, 2013, 03:04:03 PM
I made the edit for you GG, but please try to remember your password xD, you're going to need it
Denied Staff / Re: Application for a staff position
November 05, 2013, 12:53:08 PM
I love the complex writting style you've used in the app, and I want to offer my support as I know that you are a truely helpful player, but not listing the commands could hurt your chances.. as stupid as it sounds as long as we think you didn't paste them it proves to us you know your stuff as much as you say you do, but because it's been a while since I've seen you and the commands should be added I'm going to be Neutral for now. Also your name along with your skype are needed in the app aswell... they're simple but it allows us to know you, and if accepted you'll be added to Staff Chat via skype so we need that, if you could add these things that'd be great, other than that hope to see you in game

Suggestions / Re: Suggestion for econnomy
November 05, 2013, 08:04:45 AM
perhaps we could remove the mob factor, and make it total economy based, such as all materials that can be made by hand or via crafting bench, can be sold on a market
Other / Re: Adelaide Zombie Walk!
November 01, 2013, 01:59:55 PM
shuff, for the love of god man... this was posted a year ago.. don't bump old topics please D:
Help & Support / Re: A big idiot
October 29, 2013, 07:26:41 AM
It was haxorus169, I recognize him from the server, and he's in the list, haxorus is his main account in game though
I'm going to say no support, we just got the world up not that long ago, and there have been so many world changes these last few updates that it seems we're making a habit out of world resets. Also there has been so much work put into the bases in the world already, and sure you might Argue "But what about all the wrecked land?!" Well you can travel more that 62 Thousand yes thousand blocks from spawn, there is plenty of space. I think the reset should be a last resort deal where the survival world is in such disrepair that we need to do something.

No Support
Suggestions / Re: Festivals! in kaisecraft
October 23, 2013, 01:14:41 PM
I like this idea :O... We should implement this... like.. seriously... that sounds like fun...
Denied Staff / Re: Moderator application #2
October 23, 2013, 07:20:54 AM
Quote from: Hamza on October 23, 2013, 06:02:09 AM
if u hate normal world u got no reason for moderator.And you are a little bit weird ur friend mohamad or ur alt account huh?
~no support

I cannot find where he said he hated normal world, I see where he said he doesn't play it much. Please don't put words in peoples mouths, Second most of the Staff has alt accounts... we use them to get on for building purposes(Oh my god I know, the staff actually build stuff). Also I'd like to ask you as I know that opinions can go either way for these applications why would you choose two very weak points to give him no support?

@shuff The english is a little shaky, and Due to your age we'd like to see a lot more outstanding info and things that prove you're ready for this. The age limit of 15 even though it can be bypassed does still stand until we can see that you're mature enough for the rank. So if you can please add a little more to the app :P

At the moment I'm going to Stay Neutral