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Messages - HecticPotato9

Archived Reports / Re: I Got Banned
November 10, 2012, 08:48:50 PM
May i ask though. Why did we get a 30 day ban when i have been checking that everyone else gets 12hr or at the most 2 days?!?! They did the exact same as us. They griefed houses, we griefed a small part (like 10 blocks) of a pathway.?!?! do you like hate us. Does kaise hate me?
Archived Reports / Moderator Griefing
November 10, 2012, 08:44:58 PM
Now before you ask any questions, just please take the time to read this

This is not a fake and i have recovered as much details as I can to assure you someone with worldedit or permissions has been placing random water all around my house and someone else. No water has yet been found inside the house but that still doesnt make it a problem. I have gathered as much information as i can to catch the culprit of this world editting scheme. My only theory is payback for what we have done but against that he still didnt just do it to me.


Quick Link To All Photos

Exibit A: Random Water Strips


I had all other images but they were messed up by imageshack so could you please follow the link and i will take you to all the images of what i have taken. One includes the coordinates of my house and another victim in another

What else i might mention was that another players house was griefed but who did it removed it so what a believe was he thought that house was mine (we live near each other) and tried to wreck that one but soon found out and removed what he did to that one. This was also done whilst i was banned and wasnt on the server for 4 days
Archived Reports / Re: I Got Banned
November 10, 2012, 01:06:14 PM
Quote from: Diion_Beyer on November 10, 2012, 11:13:45 AM
hehe... although i had personally accepted you apology, i cannot speak for the owners of ButterTown; Mrfajitas and MrKool_Beanz. they had for weeks worked silently, and gradually accumulated items and abilities to construct their town. Although the town was, thanks to iTroll, rolled back, i am very certain that the moment they had seen that most of the work had been destroyed, they may have been very hurt nonetheless.

i do agree with one of your statements however,
it is indeed kaise123's decision, and it would seem as if kaise123 had already made his decision, however, aside from this not at all unusual set of mostly intriguing circumstances, if it was only your account that temporarily banned, could you not merely create a new account and wait out the remainder of you sentence? ;D
I will just agree to that but im not sure anymore if he had ip banned me...proberly not a good idea to mention that. Now i will be more active on the forums at least
Archived Reports / Re: I Got Banned
November 10, 2012, 10:52:33 AM
Quote from: Kaise123 on November 09, 2012, 10:26:06 PM
It was me, And your lucky you didn't get a permanent ban. Hectic should also be banned for 30 days.
Why? I talked with Diion_Beyer (The One That Owned The Town) and he accepted my apology. I have also talked with itroll and he told me to apply for an unban but i dont know where to do it? I actually didnt grief that much. Some was already griefed when we got there. It was a stupid motive that started me doing it but it isnt an occasional thing for me. I Have Already apologised to a lot of people on forums and skype. All i did was break like 10 iron blocks and place 2 signs :/ ??? I dont honestly think this is worth a 30 day ban. Then again i dont own the server.

Is there i way i could apply for unban instead of waiting until christmas for when i can play again.

I just dont think its  that fair having a 3 day ban then all of a sudden another 30 day ban? Sorry...It is not a normal thing for me. Normally i help people, make friends and just chat to people.

If i could get some support to be unbanned that would be nice
Archived Reports / Re: Ban report: HecticPotato9
November 10, 2012, 10:51:46 AM
Quote from: .:B.E.A.S.T:. on November 09, 2012, 06:13:19 PM
Wandawaffle has also suspected to be banned. But there staff member who banned him did not make a ban report stating the reason why he was banned for 1 month.
He felt bad about me only being banned so he confessed to Sab and she banned him for a month, then mine got extended for an extra 30 days
Other / Re: My youtube
November 09, 2012, 04:58:09 PM
Sub 4 Sub?
Archived Reports / Re: Ban report: HecticPotato9
November 09, 2012, 04:48:30 PM
Quote from: Diion_Beyer on November 09, 2012, 12:59:57 AM
Hehe... Ryan, why had you gried ButterTown? (^_^)>
Sorry. Someone kept PvP me and saying i was trying to kill someone... i didnt know that it was you Diion_Beyer i have more respect for you but not those two people.
Potato Is Back And Better Than Ever!

Hello everyone i'm HecticPotato9 and you might know me as HecticPotato or anything else (ScS_Potato most of you know me as). I have started playing this server again. I have already met some of my long time buddies. I own a nice house on a swamp that has bridges over a major crevass.
Pictures Of House

Sadly i dont know if i could still be playing on Kcv2. Im hoping the ban will go away but im just not too sure.

Here Is The Message I Have Been Getting; CLICK IT TO SEE (Dont Click Me Though)[/b]](Dont Click Me Though)

More Will Be Updated Soon

Archived Reports / Re: Ban report: HecticPotato9
November 08, 2012, 05:51:23 PM
im gonna take my punishment like a man. I did deserve it


- Proberly lost some respect from players aswell