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The information was added in the post after paragon's. Though the information is a little small in size, the builds definitely boost you up over the line. I'll accept in about 5 hours (1430 EST) unless any other SrMod or Admin has any objections that they can let me know of ;)
Engineer Applications / Re: Applying Again
June 11, 2013, 11:11:47 PM
Alright, I'm accepting you on the basis of a decent application with a lot of support. The written part of the application was fine, though you did need some descriptions of the builds (as in what they do, etc.); Anywho, congratulations!

(If an admin/senior mod can promote Mellody over the console, please do so as I have no access right now!)
That's depressing :I
Other / Re: this is getting abit annoying
June 10, 2013, 11:39:57 PM
Quote from: jedwere on June 10, 2013, 09:55:29 PM
ok were do i start?

1. the people in the server aka [Guests] ALWAYS tp to Survival people... DONT THEY EVER READ THE ANNOUNCEMENTS?

2. When ever someone dies or gets raided, they ALWAYS Have to complain about people using hacks =.=
-Plugins!!!! And Dynmap and /getpos Happy?

3. Wtf is with all this dramma and stuff? (stuff: i just used that word cuz i dont wanna cuss)

-Peace out

1. They have a tendency not to read what the announcements say. Normally, most of the guests don't understand much English at all so they can't comprehend what the announcements say. The ones that do understand what the announcements mean are normally too lazy/incoherent to pay attention to the announcements.

2. People will be people, and they will always complain. The main reason this is true is because you have really, really young players on the server that play in survival that get furious and immature when you kill them because they think their armour is superior to yours. NCP has been added in survival to disable any sort of hacks as well, but people can't seem to grasp that fact; Also, Dynmap for Survival was removed due to way too many complaints about it as well as figuring out it caused most of the crashes before when it was available.

3. Drama. You'll find it everywhere in the world, you can't avoid it. It's mainly prominent on the server because of; a) young players, b) immature players, and c) conflict between players. As you said above about the people complaining about dying all the time, this causes the conflict which in turn causes dramatical circumstances that you can't avoid or stop.

Yeah, a lot of people are sick and tired of it, but I've learned to just ignore it as it doesn't bother me as much as other people. Learn to breathe in and out when you get frustrated (not specifically talking to you, jed) and let it all pass.
Other / Re: Skin Making
June 10, 2013, 12:51:43 AM
Quote from: Stephen on June 10, 2013, 12:25:51 AM
Nice Skin Zlexy! Keep it up! :D

I do believe that is Paragon, not Zlexy :p
Builder Applications / Re: Builder Application
June 09, 2013, 08:35:56 AM
You need to add pictures of your builds or ask a staff member in game to check your builds

Personally, I don't see anything else that really need elaborated on...everything is provided and in an exquisite way. However, I'm going to leave this to Paragon or any of the other Admins as I don't have the same views as them (also because Paragon was the one that wanted you to add the info, so he should decide whether or not you've pulled over the line yet or not).

So you have my support.
You need more information and more pictures

Builder Applications / Re: applying for builder
June 09, 2013, 03:19:46 AM
You need more info (McStats level and just more info) and you also need pictures of your builds (preferably multiple builds, not just one) in order to be even considered for this rank. Also, it hasn't even been three years since the release of KC, let alone one year.

Quote from: raperv26 on June 08, 2013, 01:38:48 PM
Wait, Zlexy, He actually managed to Figure out your Password and access your account?!

He did not know his password. When you have the Kaise client or any other cracked client, you can "attempt" to log into another persons account, which is what this bayo fellow tried to do. Example, people try to log into Kai's account all the time albeit unable to do so.
Archived Reports / Re: help
June 08, 2013, 11:29:00 AM
I'd hate to break it to you, but you're going to be permanently IP banned unless Zlexy changes his mind (which I doubt he will).

What you don't understand is that this is an IP ban, not an account ban. He was IP banned because of trying to log into Zlexy's account, and you just happened to be on the IP itself. The simple rule is that, no matter the circumstance, whoever is on the IP is banned along with the IP until further notice by another admin to prevent bypassing or to prevent the action from ever happening again. What you're doing here on the forums is not helping you whatsoever; as a matter of fact, it is lessening your capability of being unbanned (and also the possibility of being muted). The topic you keep bringing up for your appeal is that your brother logged into his account instead of your account, but in all fairness an IP ban is an IP ban.

Locked until further notice.

Bdon, instead of spamming the thread with a new post every time, just edit the post. That gets fairly annoying and doesn't help your case any more then the shit hole it's already in. ::)
Citizen Applications / Re: Apply for Citizen
June 08, 2013, 11:15:59 AM
Please supply your IGN, more info, and you're most likely set.

Archived Reports / Re: IP ban report: Bayo5000x
June 08, 2013, 10:57:53 AM
Bdon, I believe that we, the admins, have been over the same issue more than once; the "Oh, that way my brother on my IP please unban me!" excuse. It may have been your brother, father, mother, or your imaginary friend's still your IP. Though you haven't done anything wrong, the person on your IP has, and you can blame them for it; no exceptions to your unbanning. This may not seem fair to you, but the more you think about it the more it makes sense. Feel free to try and appeal your ban with the other admins, as I can't unban you ;)

EDIT: Well, Zlexy already explained what I said in a shorter form  :P
Suggestions / Re: New idea for engineer rank.
June 08, 2013, 09:10:28 AM
Quote from: oOScottyOo on June 08, 2013, 09:07:10 AM
I really dont think it is confusing because they have a bright prefix which says [Engineer] making it near impossible to get confused.

You also have to remember that there are lower IQ's playing on the server, along with foreigners (Not being a stereotype, but foreigners can't seem to grasp the concept of a rank very well). You may realise that it says Engineer, but to other people it's non-existent.