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Messages - TheAmazingBobert

Accepted Staff / Re: TheAmazingBobert's Mod App
August 09, 2013, 06:59:03 AM
Alright, thanks leon, I'll watch out more for people in need on the server.
Other / Re: Barooms shrine
August 07, 2013, 06:44:13 AM
Dirt treasures?
Accepted Staff / TheAmazingBobert's Mod App
August 07, 2013, 04:53:01 AM
Name: Jacob

Age: 16

IGN: TheAmazingBobert

Skype: ScarySqwurl

Current Rank: Engineer

Reasons why I want to be a mod:
I would like to be a mod because I feel like even though we have so many great mods on the server as is right now, they are spread to thin during certain times on the day and some of the lower rank players on the server have a hard time receiving help that they need(Not insulting any existing mods it's just sometimes they are all busy). Also I would like to achieve the moderator rank to further Achieve my goal to be able to better help players on the server more than I'm already able at my current rank.

Outside Of kaisecraft:
Outside of kaise's server I don't really participate in any other servers, although I have hosted several bucket and vanilla servers, but due to the fact I mostly whitelisted player numbers declined and the servers ultimately failed. I don't really play SP worlds often, so most of my time on minecraft is spent on the server.

Before Kaisecraft:
Before I played Kaise's server I had a bucket server I was running, my server had many of the same pluggins and commands that kaise's server does now(although they were a little outdated compared to now) Also before kaisecraft I did not play servers due to most of them not having very active staff, and they weren't very freindly environments.

Although I've used most of the protection pluggins, they're now outdated so I know the important commands, but it'll take a little practice to get the side parts of the commands down

[spoiler]/co inspect(used to figure out who placed or destroyed blocks, and at what time)
/co rollback(used to rollback a greifed build, and if i'm correct you can rollback players aswell)
(used like /co rollback u:player's IGN r:the radius that you're rollingback t:to what time you want the build rolled back to) [/spoiler]

World Edit
[spoiler]//wand(tool used for defining the area you're editing)
//set(Use this to set a defined area to a certain brick, or even air)
//pos1-2(will set position 1 or 2 to the spot you're standing on)
//hpos1-2(will set position 1 or 2 at the point you're aiming at)
//chunk(select the entire chunk you're standing in to edit, not recommended)
//replace(replaces the blocks in a selected area with a different block of your choosing)
//walls(will create walls the size of your choosing of any brick of your choosing)
//copy(Copies a selected area)
//paste(will paste a copied area/region)
//undo(will undo a recent paste or flip/ any edits recently done to the region)
//redo(will redo a recent undo int he region)
//flip(will flip a selected object/selected region)
//expand(used to expand a region up down or side to side)(//expand <count> <Direction>)
//Contract(the counter command to //expand used the same way)
//sphere(creates a sphere out of the brick of your choice also not recommended to make large sphere's)[/spoiler]

[spoiler]/res Select(used for selecting coordinates for a residence)
/res create(used to create a res after you have selected coordinates)
/res remove(removes a created residence)
/res message(creates a message for players who enter or leave the residence)
/res pset(used to set permissions within the res for other players)
/res subzone(creates a subzone within the main residence)[/spoiler]

[spoiler]/region Define(sets an owner and Region name to a selected region)
/region addowner(Adds an owner to an already defined region so that more than a single player can have perms there)
/region list(shows a list of every region)
/region info (region name)(shows the info of a specific region)
/region Removeowner(removes an owner from the selected region)
/region flag(sets flags on the region for other players such as building)[/spoiler]

Forum Experience:
I have helped my best friend run two forums one know as the ultimate story the other known as story walker, neither of them are up anymore, but due to this I know how to lock topics and create new boards and do some of the more major editing on a forum board.

My Reputation:
I cannot decide how I'm viewed by the public eye, but I try to help other players on the server as much as I can when mods are not around or if they lost little things, like gold, or iron, or maybe some armor, I've also given players who are having a rough time starting, start items, like torches, tools, and maybe some iron armor if I feel like spawning that much extra stuff. I've also helped players get familiar with the commands of their ranks.

Other / Barooms shrine
August 07, 2013, 03:07:02 AM

Found this while doing some wandering..... And I have to ask... why...
Other / Re: Griefing
July 24, 2013, 06:12:27 PM
Also I've had issues with people greifing builds I'm halfway done with. If you're anything like a lot of the builders in the server you finish the build then have it protected, so by following your train of though I could go destroy half done builds and get away with it because the builder didn't have it protected yet, I don't think it's fair. If you go to the point were you're going to grief something someone put thought and time into you don't belong on this server. period.

@hummer this isn't a report for a ban or grief he's trying to make a point, it's in other because it actually does not belong anywhere else but here
Suggestions / Re: An AWESOME suggustion
July 22, 2013, 04:50:00 AM
Quote from: Michael5017 on July 22, 2013, 02:20:10 AM
Quote from: HanSolo on July 22, 2013, 01:10:29 AM
1. Stupid mod
2. Overpowered mod
3. It's a SP mod

+1 Useless mod.

fire doesn't spread and things don't explode in the server making the mod even more useless on the server

adding a mod that practically entitles every player to a nuke is not a good idea...

Other / Re: Do you have a pet?
July 22, 2013, 01:24:16 AM
I have two cockatiel's one is a full white male that I named buddy( he's not friendly ironically enough) and a light grey one with white spots named sophie(after one of my childhood friends I know so nostolgic) I only have a pic of buddy on my head but you know..
Builder Applications / Re: Can i be Builder? 2
July 22, 2013, 12:54:53 AM
go to your profie. click edit forum profile and there should be a box for typing a signature(the text/pictures that show up under your posts) and you use the bbc code for images or [img] [./img] and to put a picture or gif in your signature do [img][./img] and save changes to your profile and it should be done
                                                                                                                           image url goes here(don't use the periods in the code before the / I used that so the darn code would show up in the comment ;-; had the hardest time getting this)
Builder Applications / Re: Can i be Builder? 2
July 22, 2013, 12:31:18 AM
you mean the .gifs under our posts?
Builder Applications / Re: Can i be Builder? 2
July 21, 2013, 11:47:09 PM
The pictures are very good, and the house is very impressive for someone of citizen rank, however I'd suggest adding more information, how long you've been playing, how being a builder could benefit people around you aswell as yourself(kindness and helpfulness to others is key :P) things of this sort, other than that great application good luck!
Vrsa I'm no mod, but at the state this app is now I'd put it on pending, because the pictures are great, but there is too little information in the app, expand on why you want to be a builder, your mcmmo level things like that, at anyrate good luck I hope you get the promotion
This is a very nice application with many complicated builds, that all involve a unique use of redstone, and I've met you ingame and feel that you deserve a rank up, good luck and you have my support :P
Suggestions / Re: Kaise Texture
July 19, 2013, 09:42:03 PM
I like this Idea and it looks like it'll turn out very well, good luck culio :P
Suggestions / Re: Auctions
July 18, 2013, 08:20:38 PM
there's no chance this pluggin could collide with other pluggins is there...
Introductions / Re: New To Kaise!
July 18, 2013, 06:48:59 PM
so many qoutes..

anyway welcome to the server!