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Messages - sk8erace1

Help & Support / Problem With Pex
September 06, 2013, 01:50:47 AM
Hello, I'm here to report a pex problem, I'm with no rank, I'm supposed to be citizen but instead I get the weird <sk8erace1> while chatting and don't even have access to spawn. Screenshots will be probided if necessary
Citizen Applications / Re: Citizen Rank Application!
September 04, 2013, 06:36:45 AM
Quote from: $-Superbotar-$ on September 04, 2013, 05:08:44 AM
Nice texture pack.What is it?I want to install it.
Mods sorry about replying on this post i just want link of texture :P

Uhh, that isn't a texture pack, it's a shaders you need forge for it to work and don't want to use opti fine, it's very CPU and gfx intensive it only works if you have like 100 FPS on the normal un modded minecraft with render distance at extreme and everything at high, the shader's name is SUES V10 Ultra

Quote from: Uber_duck on September 04, 2013, 06:25:53 AM
This is just my opinion but i think it's a great home, and it's worthy of this rank

And thanks :) are you supposed to support on citizen apps though?
Citizen Applications / Citizen Rank Application!
September 04, 2013, 02:08:31 AM
Helloo, I'd like to apply for citizen in KcV2, my IGN is sk8erace1 (not the easiest). I want this rank to be able to go to the glorious survival world, build more, spawn more, and actually Enjoy more! I haven't played for a while, neither is my McMMO too powerful, but I think it'll do until I want to be a builder. So, on topic, here's my small house that's near the spawn.

My House From Outside: (Small :( )

And the interior, furnishing ideas anyone?

Well, anyways, hope that's enough, and get accepted!
