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Hamza's Moderator Application

Started by SCS_HAMZA_SCS, April 11, 2013, 03:01:59 AM

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[1. Your In-Game Name:] Hamza
[2. Your playtime(s):] When ever I need to be on, minus work times.  I don't sleep much. It's 3:40 am right now...
[3. How long you've played here on Kaisecraft Half a year or 1.Age:16
[4. Why do you want to be a moderator?] Because,I want to be fair,I  get some respect,Sometimes moderators aren't online so I want to be online and help all in anyways at anytime.I want to see if people hack,harassment.And the worst thing people fly in Survival.I want to be in the team of Moderators,Make friends with them.Fix griefs.
[5. Oh shit, Kasoma didn't walk his dog and is placing lava/bedrock/hate crosses in random towns. What do YOU, as a moderator, do?] Warn Him/Her first.If not stopping,I will kick,If again Temp ban for 30 minutes-1 hour.If more griefs for a week atleast or perm ban.And keep an eye or him/her.
[6. A player joins the server and begins making racist comments/jokes or  comments/jokes. What do you do?] Warn, Mute,Clean Guard is my friend.Then,I write down that this person did .... then i will see if done again i will talk to the seniors about him/her
[7. A player is caught using an xray, or other hacks, by you. What do you do? (Please list all steps from discovery to ban if applicable.)] First i will tp to the person,then I will see if its doing somthin bad with hacks i will first do nothing.Then ask if that person did anything or anything unusual happened.If the person did somthing like flied,then I will see one more time and i kick an send a ban report.
[8. Why should we choose you to be a moderator?] Because I'm a pretty cold bastard when it comes to this stuff. I'm helpful, friendly, and willing to pitch my ideas in with out fear of being shouted down or loosing my precious "E status", but at the end of the day I am not afraid to climb over the dead bodies of banned cheaters, hackers, racists, and general trouble makers.
[9. Free Space! Link me a funny video here, because, you know, I can ask for one.] I don't see video's.
[10. Is there anything else that you'd like us to know, or anything that you feel is important? (If yes please type it meow.)]
No hard feelings if it's rejected. I put this in with a lot of thinking. Was sure I wanted the responsibility of a Mod . But I'm pretty content with mod status. You know I'll be oldman grumblin' my two cents worth in anyway. Bottom line - I love what you guys are doing with the server. Would love to help out.
[11. By the power vested in me I declare that I fully understand all of the rules of the server and will do everything that I can to ensure a safe, fun, and comfortable environment for Minecraft, and help to improve the server, and make it a better place.]
[12.Some of my information about the commands:]I copied the commands from my minecraft notepad where i write down everything.

/lb area [radius]
/lb player [name]
/lb block [type] <radius>
/lb me
/lb rollback player [name] <time> <minutes|hours|days>


//replace    <to-block>
//replace    <from-block> <to-block>
//overlay    <block>
//walls    <block>
//stack    [count] [direction]
/fixwater    <radius>
/fixlava    <radius>

/region define    <id> [<owner1> [<owner2> [<owners...>]
/region claim    <id> [<owner1> [<owner2> [<owners...>]

That some of it and u know.I cant take it all.
'I Got My God Mode off Help me man! I'm a VIP.
I know a VIP knows commands clearly and if he/she got VIP and god mode on they can easily turn it off.

'Can u protect my area please'
First i check if its really the person's place if its not,
I will ask the real owners if its for them and leave the person cuz he/she didn't do anything wrong.A little warning only.

If I see a major grief i will first send all of their ban reports if its a ban wave then only their names and type of grifeing(Lava,Bedrock,Breaking,stealing)Then I will see if its big then ban for a very long time!
If not 5 or 6 days.

If an Elite puts lava with /we.
I will first ban for 5 days.Then if it is continuted I will give a warning.If again then demoted+Ban
Im not sure about it.

If a person says /msg Hamza 'Can u /kill Osama? please kill him first then i will tell u why,Please i will pay u money'
First,I will say /r No Stop it or else i will mute u.
If the person says it again,I will first kick for 5 seconds,Then if the person comes again and shows me harassment,I will Mute for 5-6 minutes.If again!
I will Mute for 1 hour.The person wont try to do it again.If he/she does then it'll be decided.

By submitting this application I, the applicant, swear that I have answered all of these questions to the height of my ability, and fully understand the fact that this statement is complete stupid and I just want to know if anyone is actually going to read this. I mean seriously.. It's like the the ending, right? It can say anything and you'll never know. By submitting this I agree to uphold all rules of the server and uphold my duty to enforce rules when necessary, and help players whenever asked. By submission of this form I also agree that Kaise123  is the greatest host ever, and that he's a total cool guy that I want to be a moderator for, and I should probably throw in something about cats here, amirite? Yeah - you guys are tops eh.And awesome


Your app was denied few days ago, waiting period is one month

Signature by: TriickyzTrix


Saw you in game, but you applied few days ago, and you got denied, I am not sure but I think that mods will deny this


Quote from: HanSolo on April 11, 2013, 03:19:57 AM
Your app was denied few days ago, waiting period is one month

Right, you'll need to wait a month to re-apply


You was denied a few days ago and, you need to wait 1 month before posting a new application.

Also ↓↓↓

-No support


poop comes out of my butt


QuoteBecause I'm a pretty cold bastard when it comes to this stuff.
It's a weird way of saying something simple, and we don't need cold 'bastards', we need righteous 'bastards'. The application itself is more or less OK, lacks some in-depth information but is, however, poorly formatted.

Also as iLiviDzZ said, you seem to want to leave and rejoin and leave and maybe rejoin? Not a good foundation to start a moderator application with.
I won't support you, maybe once you're able to apply again and you keep below the CoreProtect radar and behave yourself ingame, I might support.


For all reasons already stated above.

Skype: kaiwaugh1
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