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raperv26's 2nd Moderator Application

Started by raperv26, April 24, 2013, 03:56:02 PM

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Quote from: raperv26 on April 25, 2013, 09:37:38 PM
I have now edited it and I have researched the commands for World Edit, Residence and Core Protect.
You forgot world guard, still try to include some more info.


I have already added World Guard and I will try to put more info.


Raper, i like the size of this application. Don't listen to many people above me. The application itself has enough information and it's good information. About you though, i like you as a person but i feel you could become irresponsible with your commands and power. All of the staff know you are a dedicated member of the community and i think you can change and become more responsible as the server progresses.

I support you.

P.S. Guys, can we not have neutral supports. It doesn't prove anything about Raper and if he deserves moderator in your own opinions.

Thanks Livid
poop comes out of my butt


Thanks for your support iLivid!


I think you need some more, other than that. I like you as a player in the server, you have to respect and follow everything. I think you can be a great moderator so I'll say

- Support



After you included more information. I'll be glad to support.



Thank You LeonMundt for your Support!


Nice app, I honestly think you can become a bit more mature and you will easily learn the commands you do not, I think you could possibly make a good moderator.




After reviewing your changes to the application and seeing the support from other staff members and players, I think that you do have the potential to make a good (And especially active) staff member. I do however, Also agree with what iLiviDzZ said:
Quote from: iLiviDzZ on April 25, 2013, 11:53:05 PM
The application itself has enough information and it's good information. About you though, i like you as a person but i feel you could become irresponsible with your commands and power. All of the staff know you are a dedicated member of the community and i think you can change and become more responsible as the server progresses.

There are small annoying/immature things that you do that could hinder your ability to keep this position should you get it. You need to remember not to annoy people in chat. I've noticed this especially when you continually repeat my name when I don't reply immediately, And similar things to that. EDIT: Also, You asking moderators to check the application after you edit it is not a good move. In the future, Just bump the post and we will see it and review it when we have the time and inclination to do so.

I'll give you my support, But you need to keep some of those things in mind.

Skype: kaiwaugh1
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No support, I don't trust you, because of the first 5 letter's in your ign. I keed I keed :P, I do support you, You seem like a good-natured person. Even though you have no moderating experience, it isn't hard to learn.I believe you can fill the role of moderator efficiently. Good Luck. 



Thank you very much KrayzieTrini and Kaise123!!!


I do support you, however I also think you should be given, maybe, a short duration of Junior Modship before going onto full-Mod to test your abilities with the rank (if you get accepted, that is).



Thank you for your support and opinion Hijana!