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Started by Osama, May 16, 2013, 08:31:14 PM

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Is there any server in which people can appreciate my work and help.Plus in which people believe me and there are fair admins,staff.
I would like to just say bye to all of the friends that were left.I will see this forums.
As you can see all of my friends aren't here anymore,498.0.html

It was the last time i could apply i didn't have any other chance.
Now all of them either forgot me or left.
                 So please i don't need bad comments.

My name can be full symbols >:) see 0$@/\/\@ cool huh :D


Quote from: Osama on May 16, 2013, 08:31:14 PM
fair admins,staff.
I was mod on plenty servers and KCv2 got the highest requirements for mod and we do not tolerate anything wrong (Blarno being demoted for trying out the X-Ray). We are all fair, we all help, no staff, neither do I, argues with players.

Signature by: TriickyzTrix


I'm not staff, so I can't defend them. But, I can surely say that you are very wrong, the staff here is very fair and unbiased and you were denied for a reason, and you can go try still craft people will "appreciate" you here of they don't over here.