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Swearing, offensive use of words ect... ( multi report)

Started by Skyler, May 30, 2013, 11:34:30 PM

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This is a report on Using profanity in the public chat and using an offensive word.

The first three are of IGN: "Garry" swearing multiple times in the public chat after we asked him to stop doing it.
The 4th is of Mr.Troll Swearing in Public chat.
The last two are of iNoobish using the word "gay". I personally and Alyxzandre take it offensively, because we are "gay". We expressed to iNoobish our distaste for the word being used in such a way. But alas He/she ( sorry don't know le gender of player) In last pic he/she used it for a second time and I decided to take a wack at seeing if ANYTHING could be done.

As far as everything else, when this post was made there a lot of wrong going on in public chat, a lot of profanity being used and Donated members thinking they are ABOVE the rules.


I'll put Garry on a 3 hour mute, since he 'apologized' then did it again

As for iNoobish, I'm going to hand him a mute of a couple of days. Ive muted him time and time again for continuous speaking of Norwegian in chat, and the fact that he is expressing hate against you for the fact of 'being gay' is quite disrespectful. Being disrespected because of your sexuality is just as bad as racism.

EDIT: He just started abusing Alyxzandr69 calling him 'fcking scumbag' after the mute. The mute stays.

Ill give him a 3 day mute.

Thanks Skyler, sorry for the bother caused by the players
"The healthy human mind doesn't wake up in the morning thinking this is its last day on Earth. But I think that's a luxury, not a curse. To know you're close to the end is a kind of freedom, good time to take... inventory."


I dident even say gay to you guys! and. if only a world like ''gay'' get you muted for 3 DAYS? then everybody on the server should get muted! omg. and zlexy i got a question. Do you hate me? :'C


And The Norwegian talking thing? wtf zlexy i havent talked norwegian in chat since you muted me last! OMG
You hate me so much.


There is no 'personal vendetta', i just do my job. Skyler and Alyxzandr were offended by your use of the word so they reported it like a normal person
"The healthy human mind doesn't wake up in the morning thinking this is its last day on Earth. But I think that's a luxury, not a curse. To know you're close to the end is a kind of freedom, good time to take... inventory."


i still dident say ''gay'' to one of those it was 2 of my players in fac that were humping each other.


Doesnt matter, Skyler and Alyxzandr were unhappy with how you put it. A 3 day mute is worthy, especially adding your past offences.
"The healthy human mind doesn't wake up in the morning thinking this is its last day on Earth. But I think that's a luxury, not a curse. To know you're close to the end is a kind of freedom, good time to take... inventory."
