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mohamad1965 Builder application

Started by mohamad1965, June 02, 2013, 07:17:02 PM

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Hello my ING is mohamad1965 and I've been playing on this server from january. So I want to become a builder because I think I cannot spawn too many things in citizen because I need to use new things to my creations.

Those are some pictures of my creations to see my castle do /warp mohamadcastle:


Your lacking a lot of information in this Application for Builder, please provide more.


So sorry for forgetting my  mcstat is 56. So I had make with jonathan a faction and with "zelda" and "nela" a castle. I made with "who" a town and with "addsjosh" (from a long time) my first house and I have a couples of others friends on the server.


Nice app,but you gave to post pictures of your builds(just my opinion  :P)


Shuff he need to do what Administaror said him,he need to give some more informations not pictures. Admins will dečke wht he need to do.
KCv2 Moderator


Im sorry, i didn't see the reply of paragon.


So I updated a little bit my mcstats. It's now 113.


This Application for Builder is still lacking a lot of information.


I think the app is WAY too short there is alot of more things you could want than to just spawn things take it from me... i had a hard time getting builder :) just add more info maybe you will get accepted
You think I'm crazy..... look at You!


Quote from: Bladex on June 07, 2013, 02:30:35 AM
I think the app is WAY too short there is alot of more things you could want than to just spawn things take it from me... i had a hard time getting builder :) just add more info maybe you will get accepted
Please don't repeat what a Staff Member has already stated twice in this Application. You've been warned, if seen again, you'll be muted.


Okay,my mcstat is 115,I play from January kaisecraft,with my friend shuff in class, I want to apply for builder to spawn more things like gold and iron and redstone and wool,and to help people to build houses and to give them wood and glass,and I am a very good builder


plz reply yo me
i've been waiting for 4 days


First off all. You cant give players free stuff lol.


Denied for reasons stated above as well as your app is just kind of messy. Instead of posting a reply to your app every time, just click the modify button and change your original application that way. :) Your reasons for becoming a Builder also shouldn't be because you want to give other players items. :P Anyway, please reapply in a few days. Thanks!