
Forums are back up, but many custom plugins and theming has been lost. If I get the time, I'll try and fix it back up - Kaise123

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App. for Builder

Started by mindtoit66, June 04, 2013, 03:02:27 PM

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Name: Mike

IGN: mindtoit66

Rank: Citizen i was promoted about a couple mounths ago

Age: 15

McMMO Level: 1158

Time: I have spend more than four month  on the server and i think i need a rank-up

Reasons:Well One reason is kaisecraft is a nice server  that i like very well and I got my friends to join the server they also like it Zenitand Eric But i`m Good at building Nether related buildings , also good at redstone and i would like to be able to spawn more building materials so i could increase my Thoughts of My future buildings i would like to create in my own little imagination in the minecraft world and place blocks to make something incredible I could try to turn a mountain into a Luxurious Suite of a house  but i would really really like to spawn more building materials for my upcoming builds i have planned. Thanks for your time



You'r application is great, the only thing that are missing is some more builds (prefer more complex)
