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Started by shuff, June 16, 2013, 04:43:18 AM

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I want to report rokbel for saying me:[shuff kiss my ass].and the first picture is the proof.
Jedwere saying me if i have balls[you should know what he mean]and the second picture is the proof.
I want to report theese two guys[ghayas123-jb123456]
they told me that they will give me free golden apples,so i tpa them,they accepted and when i came,they put lava on me but i was lucky that i was wearing a god armor to protect me from lava,and the other pictures are the proof of this.
Thank you.


ok ill tell you somthing you cale me d**kbel ans assel so pls stfu


One more thing: i didnt call you d'''bell and assbell,i just called you s'''bell after you told me [kiss my ass].


rokbel,you have been warned from zlexy for saying bad words to mohamad1965 so you should stop this before you get muted or banned by staff.


This is the most childish thing i've ever seen, grow up, all of you.

Jedwere: muted for 3 hours for 2nd offence of insisting being 'gay' is a bad thing and discriminating homosexuals.

Rokbel: muted for 12 hours for 2nd offence of swearing.

"The healthy human mind doesn't wake up in the morning thinking this is its last day on Earth. But I think that's a luxury, not a curse. To know you're close to the end is a kind of freedom, good time to take... inventory."