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My Citizen Application

Started by Marley2011, June 22, 2013, 04:03:26 AM

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IGN: Marley2011
Played on the server for about a month
I want to become a citizen because this is a really great server and I would like to be able to access its full capabilities.

I have two separate houses on this server. The small wooden one with several underground floors is where i store several of my materials, and the one in the sky that I'm still trying to improve. My home in the sky is not my original creation, but was abandoned by whoever did build it. However, I have done some work to fix it up and I plan to work on it more in the future. I also store some stuff in my sky house as well. I have a fully powered enchanting table and I've started brewing. I have also helped Sarrathos in his endeavors several times.



Skype: kaiwaugh1
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