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Mipronk's Citizen Rank Applications

Started by mipronk, September 08, 2013, 06:31:55 PM

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Hi my name is michel pronk i would love to be a Engineer one day and realy finaly build me that roman villa or sandstone pyrimid and play with lots of redstone but for now ill build me my homes and hope i please the gods.

im not into pvp at all or batling others i am just playing for funn and to build things.

- Your In Game Name                     
= mipronk

- How long you have played
= I am not sure about how long a few weeks in any case.

- Reasons why you want this rank
=my house is geting a bit finiched and im up for a new chalange biger and better

- A picture (Preferably multiple) of your building.
= i had a few more pictures but only 6 aloud so enjoy


Wrong section, already accepted


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