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Started by me455, October 12, 2013, 04:23:57 AM

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Chocolatejam1 was being mean to me by calling me  names... don't believe me?
check it out for your self.


So me455 your just insulting me i just said "Hey me455" this is what you reply

Thats why i called you names


-.- i said it as a joke, you just took it in the wrong way.....  also that doesn't mean you insult me... by callling me moron and penishead....


Joke...? Are you joking that damn thing happen ALOT OF TIMES DUDE EVEN WHEN IM TALKING TO OTHER DUDE




Im confused what did you say i cant under stand you AT ALL!


Okay i will say this again....

When i'm on then i saw you go online i talked with someone then you started to insult me for nothing you always say thats a joke

And i will not reply i dont care what happens to me or you


Can you just shuush and let a mod deal with this?


Quote from: me455 on October 12, 2013, 04:49:11 AM
Im confused what did you say i cant under stand you AT ALL!

Quote from: Chocolatejam1 on October 12, 2013, 04:55:22 AM
Okay i will say this again....

When i'm on then i saw you go online i talked with someone then you started to insult me for nothing you always say thats a joke

And i will not reply i dont care what happens to me or you
Quote from: Chocolatejam1 on October 12, 2013, 04:44:49 AM
Quote from: me455 on October 12, 2013, 04:43:26 AM
dufag did you just say?

Are you lost?
Quote from: me455 on October 12, 2013, 04:32:28 AM
-.- i said it as a joke, you just took it in the wrong way.....  also that doesn't mean you insult me... by callling me moron and penishead....

Quote from: me455 on October 12, 2013, 04:43:26 AM
dufag did you just say?

Guys, stop arguing, on both sides, me455, calling a person names isn't really that offensive, although if you did mind it, I'm sure Choco is sorry :) on the other hand, it's just a little misunderstanding, humans do make mistakes, right? I'll hope you guys can sort this out. No action will be taken whatsoever.



Actually, to add to this, calling people outright insults IS against the rules. I do not much like to stand for bickering.

While making sarcastic remarks is your way of picking at people, Colby, please do not do it again.

Choco, next time you get upset over someone picking at you, don't call them a d**k head. I'm really tired of the constant trouble-making aura you seem to have around you. It's something almost every week.

Both of you don't need to talk to each other anymore. You both need to just ignore each other.

Next time this happens, there will be punishment.

~ Wolf