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Mr1Quit As Moderator

Started by Mr1Quit, December 23, 2012, 07:03:32 PM

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Corey Monhea Kitts jr.
Skype :
Activity :
I Have been On  kaise For three Months ,Since then i have Made Friends ,best Friends,even Brothers.Everyday i get on for about 6 Hours a day,even if the server is down i get on the forums and see you was banned ,what new rules there are,and something i read application for staff and citzens/builders .
People in the commuity know me and some of the thing i have build with my friend Bigh42.I have many friends on kaise ; bigh42,sspandabear,ciztii,clamen,baroom,cristinasama,and many more.
I always get on the forums i understand how to create a lock , modify topics and post. I have been use under the bbcode of the forums. i am in the 8th Grade i take advance English, i will take a Speech classes in the furute if i get the moderater .

Extra Imforation : 
i was Born in Januray 25,1999 I am from lousiana brusly i am 13 my Bday is coming up this will be the best present ever.

thank you for your time and concertation 


At this point, I can see that your application is too simple (not complex enough). I also see that you are not yet mature enough for the rank of Moderator.


Poor layout and language, Not enough detail. More effort needed.

Skype: kaiwaugh1
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