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Ciztii's Moderator application

Started by Ciztii, December 24, 2012, 03:25:31 AM

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Name: Joshua Kirker
IGN: Ciztii
U.S.A. So I'm fluent in English. Also some Spanish and German.
Why I should be a Moderator:
I believe I would be a good moderator because I have experience owning a server and and managing my forums, also I would love to be able to help who ever needs it when ever they want it whether it be selling items to them or, making a res or World guard, checking a greif what ever they need I will be there. I am fond of WorldEdit and Logblock I am working on learning Worldguard. I have great skills on dealing with situations such as griefs and player conflicts. I also have a good reputation around the server I can't name anyone that actually doesn't like me.

Time played on server:
Greater than 2 months but no exact time. Also was on the old server very often 4-6 hours each day.
How active are you:
quite active roughly 3-5 hours a day less than before because of school ect... but any other time I'm online unless something greater comes up.
Owner of the MinerKrew server and forums with 20+ members and know how to do pretty much any thing with commands/forums but need I learn anything new I shall.

Friends on server:
xDeadshotx, Itroll, Clamen, Hijana, D0n3four, Fearlessness, and many more.

Time on Kcv1:
My IGN has not changed from Kcv1-Kcv2. I played on kcv1 for about  5-6 months.
After KCV1 shutdown, I played on the Mdynamics server and obtained over 400 In Game Hours on Mdynamics.
As soon I heard KCV2 has opened for beta I immediately joined back by applying for the whitelist.

More info:
For info about how I own and manage the MinerKrew website and server ask Clamen or Hijana or any of MinerKrews loyal members on skype. Also I have began to recreate the original MinerKrew clan base (with help from Clamen, D0n3four, and Hijana and I also hope to meet many new friends and gain new clan members. I believe I am more ready than ever to take on the task as a moderator and to help any people that need it.


support really good player and his really nice


TJ Bürkes

I will support. He's a nice player, as well as a knowledgeable one.



Nice app, you have my support.
Former account on original ServerCraft/KaiseCraft/Mdynamics (ThePokeruler)

The color that you see when your bleeding, is none other than red.

"Red is the ultimate cure for sadness." --Bill Blass


-support- good luck i hope u become a mod u deserve it u are a great player
My name can be full symbols >:) see 0$@/\/\@ cool huh :D


you have my support . great player, friend and, clan member


I'm going to talk to staff about this, but it's not very likely that you will be accepted.
Skype: kaiwaugh1
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Web hosting kindly provided by Darkfire



We didn't build together but im often on server and i see him so yeah.. i think he deservs it..
Good Luck Man :)
We're Anonymous,
We're Legion,
We do not forgive,
We do not forget,
Expect us.
Respect Existance or Expect Resistance


Skype: kaiwaugh1
Like KCv2 on Facebook:
Please VOTE for KCv2 here:

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Web hosting kindly provided by Darkfire


It's ok please take as much time as you need.


I don't spend time near citzii but have seen his work and heard he was a good friend and clan leader. Support :)

I like cats if you didn't notice.


I have been here quite a while now. Was I forgot about?


None of the open applications were 'forgotten', they just take a while if they're borderline.
Le god of le troll~

Msg me if you need help or have questions :D