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Gunner's Moderator (Staff Rank) Application

Started by LeonDaMundt, January 30, 2013, 11:26:17 PM

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Should I be Moderator?



English Language

Cambridge School, United Kingdom


Saad Muzaffar

In Game Name (IGN)


Skype Name



I have been playing on these server for atleast 1 month and a half. I came as soon as a knew that there was a humble,free and a nice enjoyable server. I usually play for 2-3 hours depending on the day of the week.

Activity Before Playing KaiseCraft

I usually played Call Of Duty Modern Warfare, Terraria, Rise Of Nations and some other games. But now as I've seen the real beauty of Minecraft, it's beloved people, and this server. I have mostly quit my adminship and hosting my server. Now I'm a complete Kaisecraftian.

Activity In Kaisecraft

During my whole time here, I have devoted my whole time to help others who are in trouble, and also promote myself so that I can help others much more frequently and make KaiseCraft a much better place.


My reputation is well known around the KaiseCraft community. I have took part in alot of shows and also helped friends and people who need help. So, people here know me pretty well.

I help people by building house for them, giving well-known and valuable give-aways (not spawned items) and especially building houses for them.

I am also the owner of lightgunner town which in my thinking is a pretty nice and awesome town.

Moderating Knowledge

I have been an Admin,Moderator and even a host, in many games. For Example: I hosted a Swat4, Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 4 Server And Also RON (Rise Of Nations)

As per the requirements of this server, I have trained myself in excellence and will try to train myself in perfection during my prestigious time in playing here. I have trained in World Edit and World Guard alot. made sculptures and protected buildings in Single Player. I am well known in Forums. I also know how to lock modify and edit topics. I know LogBlock and how to rollback find who placed/destroyed the blocks etc etc. I am we'll trained in Residence also. I asked all of my questions regarding these plugins from Smooves and also some other moderators. And still, If I'm missing something, I can always use "Teh Googles"

Moderating Skills

As I have mentioned before, I have been a host and admin in many various servers and games. On KaiseCraft, following the moderator rules, I will not hesitate to ban someone if he has done the wrong thing, but I will give a warning or may jail him depending on the severity of the condition. Also, if someone asks me a Question 1 times and he does not get my answer, I will keep telling him the answer until he understands it. Like most of the moderators here, I will try to be a fun jokey guy, while also being discipline which is one of my personal qualities. I have much experience in the field of moderating, and I hope I can fulfill my duty here of being a helpful and caring moderator.

Additional Information

I am Pakistani but live in Saudi Arabia. My first language is Urdu but have gained perfection in English over the years. I am 12 years old but unlike other 12 year old's I strive myself to perfection and help others no matter what the consequences.

Social Skills

As I have mentioned before, English is not my first language but have gained excellence in it. I have a fluent speech and vast vocabulary. I am very fluent in English, seeing my English grades I normally get A+'s and also please note that my exams follow Cambridge which are one of the hardest exams ever.

Some other information

I live in a much different time-zone than some staff members. Which in my thinking is a plus point, as it has come into my sight that the special time when I'm sometimes online, many people need help in Residence,Grief Reports etc etc.

Moreover, I will now take an oath that I will sincerely fulfill my Moderating Duties in KaiseCraft as long as I live or this server lives.

I hope this didn't take alot of your prestigious time reading this. I am sorry if I have made mistakes or I am not worth of your time. And also please keep in mind that I speak British English which has some different spellings than normal English. Also, please note that if you find any grammar mistakes they are wrongly typed, it's not that I don't know English.

Thank you very much for reading
Yours Sincerely,
Saad Muzaffar


Very nice person, Doesn't cause problems, you got my support.



You were born in Pakistan, and live in Saudi Arabia, you're first language was Urdu and you learned english...In my opinion You have AMAZING english for a person who just learned it and you're 12 years old. Kudo's my friend....Kudos...

Mashallah on the application, inshallah you will get the precious Moderator rank.

DeadCell's Seal of Approval (means I support)




I like you as a person  ;) see you ingame all the time.

maybe expand on your moderating abilities.
Your spelling is kind of off too, might want to check on that.
Grammar and punctuation as well.

A + is that your from around the Eurasian countries so you can be on when us American/Canadian Mods are offline.

However my support must be earned. Correct everything, add what you feel necessary, etc.
Le god of le troll~

Msg me if you need help or have questions :D


I'm going to support you man.
Gunner gave a discount for a room in his hotel, gave me basic and useful items, and he said my house is very nice.
I thinking myself before I posted this cause he did alot of good stuff and support from him and I'm going to support him back and thats are friends are for.
Support +1


Quote from: iTroll on January 31, 2013, 10:01:02 AM
I like you as a person  ;) see you ingame all the time.

maybe expand on your moderating abilities.
Your spelling is kind of off too, might want to check on that.
Grammar and punctuation as well.

A + is that your from around the Eurasian countries so you can be on when us American/Canadian Mods are offline.

However my support must be earned. Correct everything, add what you feel necessary, etc.
I have updated my application regarding these problems and hope that they fulfill the moderating needs


Skype: kaiwaugh1
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Web hosting kindly provided by Darkfire


You have my support! Really nice guy, he looks like he's gonna be devoted and active as a Mod! :D


Support, Great player, builder and very friendly guy.

Signature by: TriickyzTrix



Now offering my support in response to my previous comment  ;D Good luck.
Le god of le troll~

Msg me if you need help or have questions :D


Quote from: iTroll on February 02, 2013, 08:58:49 AM
Now offering my support in response to my previous comment  ;D Good luck.
Thanks, that you understood


while your application and english and your activity on the server is excellent, im afraid i have to say no support. ingame, you seem very very bossy to other players, and try to enforce the rules way too much. also, if a moderator or player says something negative to you, then you go out of your way to ignore them or annoy them.

no support from me.
"The healthy human mind doesn't wake up in the morning thinking this is its last day on Earth. But I think that's a luxury, not a curse. To know you're close to the end is a kind of freedom, good time to take... inventory."