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Griefing in the Survival World

Started by Zlexy, February 18, 2013, 12:10:53 PM

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Should griefing be allowed in the survival world, or not?

Griefing SHOULD be allowed in the survival world
13 (76.5%)
Griefing SHOULD NOT be allowed in the survival world
4 (23.5%)

Total Members Voted: 15

Voting closed: February 21, 2013, 12:10:53 PM


After debating with Kai, we are wondering if griefing should be allowed or not in the survival world. Vote in the poll your opinion.

Griefing is ALLOWED until this poll is closed.
"The healthy human mind doesn't wake up in the morning thinking this is its last day on Earth. But I think that's a luxury, not a curse. To know you're close to the end is a kind of freedom, good time to take... inventory."


Even though i don't like to grief much, it would actually be nice to be able to grief..


I don't like griefing so I pick NO GRIEFING.


Survival is totally different to bukkit minecraft. All items have to achieved legitimately and it takes time to gather enough material to build. Some players work very hard on gaining the items to build their creations, if they return to see that their creation which too them ages to build was destroyed, they will think that there is no point of playing in survival anymore. If grief were to be allowed in survival, players may join forces to make a grief group like Team Avo to especially target builds.


Quote from: ScS_Secret on February 18, 2013, 12:20:14 PM
Survival is totally different to bukkit minecraft. All items have to achieved legitimately and it takes time to gather enough material to build. Some players work very hard on gaining the items to build their creations, if they return to see that their creation which too them ages to build was destroyed, they will think that there is no point of playing in survival anymore. If grief were to be allowed in survival, players may join forces to make a grief group like Team Avo to especially target builds.
Ah but why build something you like in a faction world? 
There is a main world for a reason :P


Quote from: smoove on February 18, 2013, 12:30:40 PM
Quote from: ScS_Secret on February 18, 2013, 12:20:14 PM
Survival is totally different to bukkit minecraft. All items have to achieved legitimately and it takes time to gather enough material to build. Some players work very hard on gaining the items to build their creations, if they return to see that their creation which too them ages to build was destroyed, they will think that there is no point of playing in survival anymore. If grief were to be allowed in survival, players may join forces to make a grief group like Team Avo to especially target builds.
Ah but why build something you like in a faction world? 
There is a main world for a reason :P
There will be players who want to play survival and try to achieve the goal of gathering material and building creations legitimately in the survival world.


Quote from: ScS_Secret on February 18, 2013, 12:38:45 PM
Quote from: smoove on February 18, 2013, 12:30:40 PM
Quote from: ScS_Secret on February 18, 2013, 12:20:14 PM
Survival is totally different to bukkit minecraft. All items have to achieved legitimately and it takes time to gather enough material to build. Some players work very hard on gaining the items to build their creations, if they return to see that their creation which too them ages to build was destroyed, they will think that there is no point of playing in survival anymore. If grief were to be allowed in survival, players may join forces to make a grief group like Team Avo to especially target builds.
Ah but why build something you like in a faction world? 
There is a main world for a reason :P
There will be players who want to play survival and try to achieve the goal of gathering material and building creations legitimately in the survival world.


Quote from: ~The159Hunter on February 18, 2013, 12:43:40 PM
Quote from: ScS_Secret on February 18, 2013, 12:38:45 PM
Quote from: smoove on February 18, 2013, 12:30:40 PM
Quote from: ScS_Secret on February 18, 2013, 12:20:14 PM
Survival is totally different to bukkit minecraft. All items have to achieved legitimately and it takes time to gather enough material to build. Some players work very hard on gaining the items to build their creations, if they return to see that their creation which too them ages to build was destroyed, they will think that there is no point of playing in survival anymore. If grief were to be allowed in survival, players may join forces to make a grief group like Team Avo to especially target builds.
Ah but why build something you like in a faction world? 
There is a main world for a reason :P
There will be players who want to play survival and try to achieve the goal of gathering material and building creations legitimately in the survival world.
Yes but that will lead to a point of stupidity for creating it there.


But then again it is just a vote so it could lean to either side..


I voted Yes, just because with the faction's plugin, people always grief. I have never played on a faction Server/World where no one griefed when asked not too. If people want to build they can do it in Creative/Survival World. The Factions plugin promotes griefing, with raiding base's people would take everything Even the Wood used to build the home. I don't like griefing either, but with faction its integrated into the plugin. Faction plugin motivates player's to make the best faction, with the most power, so they cant be griefed and sadly motivates players to raid their opponents base and gain the spoils of war. That's why factions is so popular among Minecraft Servers.


I play on a survival/faction server that doesn't allow griefing and everything works fine. Factions are made for battling other factions not for griefing. I voted no because although most people like to grief, when they are griefed themselfs they go dont like it. And it could potentially make people start leaving. Thats just my view though


I do agree for griefing because it is a faction-survival world. I normally turn this down and say no, but if you think about it, survival is about...well...surviving. Anything will go if it's needed for one player to survive. So, saying somebody "griefed" a wooden house, for example, may need those supplies for their own house. Or, like in a war, there would be mass DeathMatch within each of the faction's member's homes, making it seem more "realistic (using the word loosely)." If griefing were allowed within the survival world, there would have to be some limitations to it, and it would have to have a new name instead of griefing.


Quote from: Hij on February 18, 2013, 03:17:54 PM
I do agree for griefing because it is a faction-survival world. I normally turn this down and say no, but if you think about it, survival is about...well...surviving. Anything will go if it's needed for one player to survive. So, saying somebody "griefed" a wooden house, for example, may need those supplies for their own house. Or, like in a war, there would be mass DeathMatch within each of the faction's member's homes, making it seem more "realistic (using the word loosely)." If griefing were allowed within the survival world, there would have to be some limitations to it, and it would have to have a new name instead of griefing.

^ Agree ^


Quote from: KrayzieTrini on February 18, 2013, 03:27:22 PM
Quote from: Hij on February 18, 2013, 03:17:54 PM
I do agree for griefing because it is a faction-survival world. I normally turn this down and say no, but if you think about it, survival is about...well...surviving. Anything will go if it's needed for one player to survive. So, saying somebody "griefed" a wooden house, for example, may need those supplies for their own house. Or, like in a war, there would be mass DeathMatch within each of the faction's member's homes, making it seem more "realistic (using the word loosely)." If griefing were allowed within the survival world, there would have to be some limitations to it, and it would have to have a new name instead of griefing.

^ Agree ^
I also agree.  :P


I voted yes because it's much easier to control then having protections, which defeats the purpose of factions/PvPing for faction power.

Many players on the server wanted factions, And I personally think it's kind of fun to have to guard your builds by being active and killing others, it adds another dimension of challenge to the server.
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