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Messages - TheAmazingBobert

Suggestions / Re: Bigger Enderchests
October 23, 2013, 07:14:28 AM
Quote from: Kaise123 on October 22, 2013, 10:12:49 PM
I'm willing to use these provided I can make sure it can't be used in Survival. I'll wait and see what other staff think about it though

I can see how this pluggin would be useful, but the question is how can we assure it's not used in survival, and what are people storing so much of they need a bigger enderchest for anyway?
Denied Staff / Re: Bunni : Applying for Moderator (X2)
October 21, 2013, 04:30:42 AM
Quote from: Diion on October 20, 2013, 02:14:55 PM
Hello Everyone  ;D

it seems we have ourselves anthor important thing to discuss...

after reading though this application and many of the comments, i feel that it is necessary to also share my beliefs about the situation...

sooooo... here i go:

       While i do believe that everyone CAN change, everyone CAN improve, and everyone CAN become better over time with a bit of determination, awareness, and help, i also feel that it is much to early to determine that the one who stands before us has indeed changed (she had only returned a few days ago). I also feel that this application should not be accepted so that more time can be taken to determine whether or not bunni's change is legitimate; actions speak loader then words.

i personally have nothing against you Bunni....

what happened, happened....

and it happened a very long time ago.

so how 'bout you show us this "change" you've been speaking about?... show us that your ready this time.... show us with your behavior; with your us... Bunni...

and with that said... i'm off...

Dewa sonouchi ni.  8)

I agree entirely with  Diion, I give Bunni support because of her actions i've seen ingame. Now I wasn't here when  she first became staff but at this point it wouldn't change what I say, as She has shown that she wants to be better and fix what she had done before. Her attitude in game has changed completely from what I read here. however if given the chance she'll have to prove to everyone she's changed just as much as she has to me and wolfy.
Accepted Staff / Re: Viper's Third Mod Apply
October 21, 2013, 04:26:05 AM
I give Viper my full support, even though we're in different timezones so I don't see him often, what few times I do see him he's always kind to the players around him, and it seems to me he has the drive to want to help others, which in my eyes makes him plenty mature for this rank, even if he's only 14

Citizen Applications / Re: citizen application
October 06, 2013, 10:02:30 AM
The pictures are good, but if you could add A little more info as to why you want citizen that'd be great :D
News / Re: this is a question for kaise123
September 30, 2013, 07:56:20 AM
Set please don't comment on old posts, especially ones from over a month ago, because I'm sure most players don't want dead and already settled posts in their news feed.

-Locked To prevent further posting

You could either use this program to down-date the minecraft, OR you could download an old version of Kai's client with optifine(A mod used For FPS and Performance boosts) on it. These are the two best options I can offer :P
Well, you could get a better Graphics card, but there are programs that could download jars for earlier versions of minecraft, but minecraft itself has always been a game that Demands High qaulity specs(dunno why). but I'd suggest trying to go back to the first versions of minecraft because of the lack of items though it may not be quite as enjoyable .-.
Suggestions / Re: A survival Sugustion
September 28, 2013, 09:05:21 AM
Leon it's not impossible.. all you need is a pick with fortune 1-5 and you're set. and aside from that.. it's not impossible with a world plot as big as survivals is, there guarentee'd to be more than enough gold to make a stack of Gapples, just because you have not managed or the few you caught glitched doesn't mean it's impossible.
Accepted Staff / Re: Deathdefyer99 Moderator App
September 28, 2013, 07:16:32 AM
You've got my full support, this is a Great app, and since I've spent the last week talking and getting to know you, I know for a fact you're a good person ready for a position in staff :D.
Suggestions / Re: A survival Sugustion
September 28, 2013, 06:49:26 AM
Quote from: LeonDaMundt on September 27, 2013, 08:17:40 PM
Quote from: Tyler-Odell on September 27, 2013, 08:28:15 AM
Well yea its legit but not THAT kind of legit I have seen some people use them just to escape and cower away from fights

The amount of gapples a person can make is very limited, like a guy will have like what? 1-2? At max? And he isn't going to waste them. The purpose of gapples is not to run away, but is to fight, you can't call a Pvper unfair on survival because he uses gapples, why? Because he didn't spawn them, he earned them, on whatever way he did.

Ruben, before Trinity was wrecked, had over a stack of Gapples.. there are so many items being traded in survival it's just as easy to get Gapples in survival, as it is to God armor in W:W
Accepted, Congratulations on citizen.  :D
Suggestions / Re: Suggestions...
September 27, 2013, 08:15:43 AM
I agree with Tyler, given that we've had enough trouble with elites recently(not all elites but many) Giving them something new to abuse might be a bad idea.
Sakurasou No Pet na kanojo was one of my personal favorites, And atm Im watching Attack On Titan... although before I Watched ones like K-on Girls un panzer and Clannad
Engineer Applications / Re: GamerGirl6834's Engineer App.
September 15, 2013, 05:17:05 AM
I can't accept the app, But if you could please explain what the creations do, and add more info as to why you want the rank.
Denied Staff / Re: My Third Moderator Application
September 10, 2013, 11:39:19 AM
Might I suggest learning forum things such as spoilers, and maybe gain some more knowledge on what the core commands are and how to use them properly