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Archived Reports / Re: HELP!!!!
May 24, 2013, 06:16:51 AM
Quote from: HanSolo on May 24, 2013, 02:21:15 AM

DynMap is disabled in Survival to help the server with it's sudden crashes. So, no possibility of DynMap being used.

Do you happen to have any screenies of it? I'd assume not, since you didn't post them in the OP.
Jason, aka Loki, did work his arse banning all the accounts that were spammed. I thank you for that, as you stopped server lag from potentially happening :)
As it is clearly stated here, you need to be of age 15 and older, no exceptions. Doesn't matter how mature you are or how well you take orders, a younger individual is more likely to make mistakes due to less experience with the world. This may not apply to you, but rules are rules. Sorry. Feel free to bring it up with any of us if you want to try to sway our opinions to let you to the staff team.

Add some more information, and another build of yours.

Builder Applications / Re: Builder Application
May 18, 2013, 02:21:30 PM
Information part is fantastic, however you need to include some more (or one good one) pictures of your builds and you will most likely be set :)

Other / Re: Listen Minecraftains!
May 17, 2013, 07:25:42 PM
I'm 18 and...about to finish school today. Well, High School that is. I've gotten multiple scholarship opportunities in those years too; 41 to be exact  ^u^
Archived Reports / Re: tavisours Ban report!
May 17, 2013, 07:22:37 PM
Quote from: Osama on May 16, 2013, 08:37:27 PM
First of all tavisours is a moderator.When i found tavisours in my range i quickly ran and wnet to attack him/her.
After alot of fighting he/her went out of water and went to land.When i was in the water with alot of bubbles he wrote
you are water walking!!!!
I said no.
The last thing i saw was a 2 day ban and 40 minutes.
Please check if this person.


Okay, there are some things wrong with this.

1; I was watching you pvp the entire time, having seen the commotion in the chat about you having to stop. I saw everything that happened; Taviscratch was swimming, and you were walking on the water.

2; Tavi is not a moderator.

3; You get either warned or banned for cheating in survival. You've been warned about it before, so the best action to take was to ban you for 2 days. To be honest, that's not that long of a ban and you should've been more mature about it. I've also banned your "brother" Hamza as well, considering you like to multi-account on that and I immediately foresaw what would occur has a ban evasion.
You took too long, 5 days have expired.

Builder Applications / Re: builder application
May 17, 2013, 07:56:54 AM
I hope you realise you don't have to make a new thread EVERY SINGLE TIME we tell you to add info/pictures. There's an edit post button, and you could also just post again in the same thread after. Your app is very borderline. I'm leaning more toward acceptance, but I'll leave it for someone else to decide  : )

Denied Staff / Re: Stephen moderator application!
May 17, 2013, 07:37:49 AM
The app is small. You might wanna think of some new things to type down that will sway our opinions, because small apps like this don't necessarily work. Also, on the people you've met area, try to turn away from posting them in a list like format. It is a bit neater, but with commas or semicolons separating them makes it better (as the list format only makes your application look bigger, and we really don't want it to LOOK bigger, we need it to include as much information as possible to BE bigger.
Still pending, just a little bit more information about why you want the rank.
Other / Re: Donate your Pixel Art
May 15, 2013, 08:39:57 AM
BAha, you want pixel art? I can just make you some instead of people donating them :3
Builder Applications / Re: builder application
May 15, 2013, 06:08:03 AM
It's climbed up a bit. Congratulations!

Builder Applications / Re: builder application
May 15, 2013, 05:58:29 AM
Those are the same builds from a different angle. This is pretty much bare minimum for a builder application, so would you kindly post at least one more picture of a DIFFERENT build?
Citizen Applications / Re: Apply For Citizen
May 15, 2013, 03:53:35 AM
Eh...reason could be better.