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Messages - Hij

Builder Applications / Re: Builder Application :)
June 15, 2013, 11:43:51 AM
You didn't have to make a new thread. You're borderline acceptance, so congratulations on builder! (If any staff member could change her rank for me that would be much appreciated.)

Other / Re: Um......What?
June 15, 2013, 01:12:34 AM
Quote from: xdinox on June 15, 2013, 12:39:22 AM
Quote from: Vristavia on June 15, 2013, 12:23:10 AM
The "Spider" you see online, to my knowledge, is a person who "crawls" around the forum to index things to their search. The spider on our forums is Google. For example, if you were to search up "Leon Mundt" in the Google search bar, one of the redirects would be put to this forum to make it a more popular search result. He's of no harm to our forums, he's just rummaging around looking at threads and such ;)
so every redirect to the forums is a spider?

Not what I meant. The spider isn't the redirect in itself, but it puts a keyword found on the forum into their search index (example; Hijana). Depending on how popular our forums are, the more the indexes get pushed up near the top of the search query. I'm assuming since the download for Kai's client has almost reached 400k (or has reached) views, that triggered the spider.
Other / Re: Stillcraft vs. Kaisecraft
June 15, 2013, 12:29:37 AM
Lol, there is no hacker. Since that is another server, you can go on an account which has not previously been registred. I do have to ask one thing, has that moron made a fake me yet?
Other / Re: Um......What?
June 15, 2013, 12:23:10 AM
The "Spider" you see online, to my knowledge, is a person who "crawls" around the forum to index things to their search. The spider on our forums is Google. For example, if you were to search up "Leon Mundt" in the Google search bar, one of the redirects would be put to this forum to make it a more popular search result. He's of no harm to our forums, he's just rummaging around looking at threads and such ;)
Help & Support / Re: inventory
June 14, 2013, 12:31:27 PM
Quote from: geraldy on June 14, 2013, 12:14:45 PM
what the hell is this man i lost all my inventory even lost in my enderchest is this a glitch or what there should be a rollback or somthing like that right all my diamonds gold iron block its gone now where iam gonna search that long my armor potion everything i search for a 6 months of playing now gone without clue is this a f**king asshole glitch

Calm the Hell down. Maybe if you'd read the forums you'd see that Kai just changed the inventory plugin. If you would KINDLY let him know about what you lost, he'll help you. Don't immediately start swearing over something like this.
Builder Applications / Re: Kiwi's app for builder
June 13, 2013, 12:30:23 PM
You just got citizen yesterday, please wait 1 week to apply for builder.

Next application date: June 19th

Ah, you may not have realised but you have to wait a week before applying again  ;)

Next application date: June 19th

June 12, 2013, 10:26:30 PM
I'd hate to break it to you guys and ruin Ryan's fun, but yeah that's no hacker :P

Hehe, sorry Ryan it had to be done I don't want these people to be scared shitless (^_^)>
Quote from: oOScottyOo on June 12, 2013, 09:13:11 PM
But coreprotect said it was BenjaHack, so how could it be you?

He literally just explained that he logged  into Benja's account.

As for the IP ban of you, it will most likely be put into play (albeit I have no server access atm); The unbanning of Benja is going to be decided in a staff group vote, I assume, so don't expect an instant unbanning
General Info / Re: New legislation on God items
June 12, 2013, 03:25:27 PM
Maybe if you were to have read the rules, it would answer your question  ;)
Ah, ok. Always thought you couldn't keep them if they were taken off another player...Eh, the more you know  ::)

That should answer your question, Bunni. Thread locked.

Whoops, forgot to accept you  ::)

Anyway, if a Staff member could change his rank to engineer that would be just terrific ;)

In order for god items to be kept by the user, they must have been bought BY THE PLAYER THAT POSSESES THEM and they must be bought from a STAFF MEMBER ONLY. If you experience any Elites giving out god items for free, report them to the Staff members to be confiscated.

So, if you have any god items that you got from killing a player, and you didn't buy them they will be taken ;)
Help & Support / Re: why im band
June 12, 2013, 02:28:57 AM
This thread explains why you were banned. It's been around for a while so I assume that when your IP was unbanned to let the others online, you probably weren't permanently banned. Sources say it was you, so don't try to appeal the ban as this was a serious issue.